Q&A- 2

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Third person's P. O. V

Leo's really nervous for their interview and Charlie doesn't really know what to say or how to help him.

"Lee..." He called. Leo looked at him and kept breathing slow deep breaths.
Charlie looked at him still staring and grabs a hold of Leo's hand. "It's okay... We're all good no fear needed" He said smiling softly at the younger.
Leo nodded his head and took a final deep breath before looking at their hands and blushing a light shade of pink.
As if he knew what Leo was thinking Charlie let go of him and chuckled.
"It's weird to think what could've come out of that kiss right?" Leo said low and looked at the stage again.
Charlie chuckled, a little hurt with Leo's words.
"Yeah... Totally" He said pulling away from Leo completly and taking his mic again and putting it on his shirt.
They were called on stage and everything was going well until a fan brought up the kiss long confession.
Leo looked a little flustered and chuckled.
"We were young like... Bars and Melody had just burst into the spotlight and we were actually a little confused so... We USED each other to take our doubts..." God how that hurt Charlie whose eyes drifted to the floor.
Charlie didn't know how long it had been but he was soon being called through his ear piece and shook lightly by Leo.
" Yeah..."He mumbled.
The girl interviewing them just chuckled and kept on going. " So... Are the both of you still single? "She asked biting her lips naughty.
Leo chuckled and shook his head and so did Charlie.
" We're actually dating now... "  Before Leo could finish his sentence the crowd burst into cheers and happy squeals." No... Not like that. We're dating two different girls" He finished laughing.
Charlie just got up and left the stage with no explanation.
Leo followed him and grabbed his arms before he could walk backstage, so now they were directly in front of a camera.
"What?" Charlie said pulling his arm out of Leo's hold leaving the younger confused.
"Why did you just walk out...?" Leo asked confused.
"Because... I don't feel well... Because we shouldn't be dating anyone else but each other.

The alarm clock sounded making Charlie wake up and sit up throwing everything down as he trying to shut if off.
Always the same dream... That's what he should've said and done instead of just sitting there and listening to Leo talk about how amazing their girlfriends were and how in love they were with them.
Charlie hadn't loved or seen Ana in a long time, not since on a drunken night he and Leo and made out.
He couldn't touch her anymore, not like he had wanted to touch Leo or let her touch him like he wanted to be touched.
"For christ sakes come on... Always the same fucking thing..." Charlie mumbled going to the bathroom and turning the water on to take a shower  "Why didn't I do that?" He asked himself as he popped three of his morning pills in and drank a little bit of the cold water coming from the shower.
Charlie got in and took the longest time he had ever taken letting the water wash away the sweat from his dream/ nightmare.
He loved Ana of course but... It wasn't the same. Not after they had admitted to the world they had kissed ONCE and made out the EXACT SAME NIGHT they had published that video.
After thirty minutes he heard someone knock on the door and huffed.
"Charlie... You okay?" He heard his mother's voice calling out for him.
Maybe he should've mentioned he hadn't gotten out of bed in a week other than to pee and feed himself so he wouldn't die.
"Yeah... Just got done with shower" He replied back putting his clothes back on and unlocking the door.
His mother looked at him and he cracked under her warm soft gaze.
"I'm sorry..." He mumbled before starting to sob softly and being engulfed by his mother's arms.
"Sit here while I change your bed sheets... Okay?" She asked and Charlie just nodded.
As soon as she was done Charlie was back on his bed, but this time he wasn't under the covers, he was on top of them.
"Charlie... You want something to eat?" He nodded and she grabbed a packet of cookies from his desk "I left these here in case you got hungry Friday but I can see you weren't..." She kept speaking as he thought about her words.
Friday? So that meant he hadn't eaten anything in two whole days... He was really bad.
"Leo dropped by... He wanted to know if you were better. I told him you had a bad case of the flu. I don't think he bought it though. Ana's dropping by later by the way. That girl is so sweet" His mother sad making him drop the cookies and look outside his window.
"Thanks..." Was all he could mumble before he felt the drugs kicking in.

Q&A Bars And Melody (Chardre)  (+18)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu