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"I tried to get you off of me... I did Leo. You have to believe me! " Charlie said as he cried in front of the boy who had his heart since they'd met.
Leondre was looking at him with hurt in his eyes.
"You knew I wasn't myself and you still took advantage?" He asked as the blonde boy broke down.

Leo woke up startled as he looked around and realised he had spent the night in his car.
He groaned as he got up.
"Does he remember? Did this happened?" He asked himself.
Leo started his car and drove to the coffee shop they both always went to.
His heart was mixed, he knew he should feel pissed Carla cheated on him but he didn't. If anything he could feel a slight sense of relief even though if course it hurt it hurt bad. He really loved her.

" I love you... Fuck I love you" He watched as the blonde boy dragged him off of him and got up.
He could see the small triangle tattoo on the boy's hips.

Imma call him.

Charlie was just now waking up.
He couldn't bring himself to belive what had gone down between him and Leo.
He was shocked.
What if he remembered?
Charlie saw his phone starting to ring and sighed when he saw Leo's name pop up.
He let it ring until it went to voicemail
After a few seconds the call was ended and he had a new voicemail.
He quickly played it.

"Hi buddy. Its Leondre.
Of course you know that because you know my number.
I am going to the coffee shop we always went to. Wanna meet up? We need to talk about some stuff please. I need you.
Call me back please.
I love you"

Charlie sighed and nodded to himself texting Leo.
"Meet you in thirty" He pressed as the text went through.
He quickly took a shower and dressed himself discreetly going to meet him.
He hasn't eaten in days or barely drunken any water but he knew be was okay with whatever would come his way.
Maybe Leo was waiting for him with the cops by his side.
Charlie arrived to the coffee shop and saw Leo sitting alone on the tables outside with sunglasses on making Charlie feel worse.
He slowly went and sat with his best friend.
"Hi.." He said sitting down. "What's going on?" He asked as he saw Leo was crying and it made his heart shatter.
"Carla... She cheated on me" He said as he looked at a very much paler than usual Charlie.
Seriously the boy looked like he might break anytime. "Do you know who it was with?" He asked.
Charlie lowered his head.
"Yeah... With Ana. She told me this morning" He said.
Leo nodded.
"Are you two still together?" He asked biting his lip.
"No... We've been having a few problems so we broke up. Fair and square. It was a clean break"
He said as Leo held his hand out as he did when he needed him more than anything at the time.
Charlie looked at it and took it slowly intertwining their fingers together.
"Are you okay?" He asked. Charlie nodded smiling soflty.
"Yeah... What about you?" He asked soflty caressing his hand.
Leo shrugged.
"It hurts... Like.. It's a mixed feeling. I think I cheated on her too you know?" He asked as a couple more tears slid down his face. "Did you know they have been fucking around for months?" He asked.
Charlie shook his head.
"Nope... But I haven't been myself lately so..."He whispered to himself.
" Why does this hurt so bad Char? " Leo asked being one hundred percent vulnerable right now.
Charlie got up and dragged the boy along with him.
" Let's go to my house" He suggested.
Leo shook his head and pointed to his car.
"I have some of her stuff to put away. Maybe... Do you mind helping me?" He asked holding his hand tight.
Charlie looked down and he wanted to say no, he did but when it came to Leo the right word was always yes.
"Yea... I'll help you." He said they walked to Leo's car.
Charlie didn't want to say anything that could trigger Leo's memories for now so he made himself comfortable and let Leondre drive.
The younger boy never letting go of Charlie's hand drove them to his house where he noticed his mother's car wasn't there now.
"Mom left. You're not scared to be alone with me right Charlie?" He asked playfully.
"I don't know... Are you gonna hurt me? Or harrass me?" He asked playfully.
Leo smiled.
"Nothing you won't like" He suggested winking and standing outside of the car.
Charlie smirked and nodded getting out aswell.
He looked at the house and sighed.
Too many memories.
Memories only he had.
Leo held out his hand for Charlie to take and he would be damned if he didn't.
"Let's get this over with"

After about four hours of tears and packing Leo no longer had any of Carla's things in his room.
"It's done... Three years...Just... In two simple boxes like they never existed." He whispered breaking once again in Charlie's arms.
Charlie made sure to hold Leo agaisnt hsi fast beating heart.
Leo noticed Charlie's heart and took a deep breath and he pulles away and looked at him.
Leo's eyes traveled down Charlie's face to his lips and then back up again.
He felt something different inside him, but now... Now wasn't the time and he knew it.

Charlie noticed Leo's stare and took a deep breath pulling away standing in front of him stroking his cheek.
"What's going through your head?" He asked.
Leo shrugged.
"We're you the guy I was with last night?" He asked softly leaning to his touch and joining their foreheads together as his own hand made its way up Charlie's face gently stroking it.
"I don't know..." Charlie whispered.
He didn't want Leo to know...not right now.
"I hope you were... Because then I know you didn't do anything to me" He whispered.
Charlie's heart broke at those words and he kicked himself inside.

Hate is a strong word.
But right now I hate myself, I hate my lungs for breathing and my heart for beating.
I should be dead... But you need me.
How long until you figure out it was me and I did take advantage of you my love?

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