Q&A-19 (TW)

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Leondre stood still just looking at him
Charlie seemed so broken, so much pain was sipping through his words that it was like someone was sending daggers into his own chest.
"Please don't cry" He whispered not realising Charlie wouldn't hear it. Ever.
Charlie on the other hand just sang quietly as he looked down at his now numb hands.
He couldn't feel them and the air seemed to be getting harder to reach so he just looked up again as he fell to the ground unconscious.
Leondre cussed under his breath and ran to him worried about him.
"Please wake... Please wake up please..." He whispered as he laid Charlie's head in his lap.
Karen was walking up the stairs to the studio as she saw an ambulance pull up and the people inside running to the elevator she was about to take.
She walked inside anyway and saw they pressed the same she was going to making her heart stop.
As soon as they reached the floor the emts went inside a recording room and she knew exactly who would be there.
"No no no no." She said as she ran inside and her heart clenched as she saw she was right. Her son was laying on the ground with his head in Leondre's lap.
Leondre looked up and gagged a little.
"He just... He fell to the floor" He said.
Karen nodded.
"Okay... It's okay. You did great Leo... You did great." She said as she watched them cut Charlie's clothes.
Her heart almost stopped at what she saw, her son's body was covered in bruises, scares and mostly cuts. Not to mention the fact he was as thin as a paper sheet.
Seconds passed and they were putting Charlie onto the gurney and talking to her.
Karen looked at them and then at Leo.
"He's bipolar and anorexic... He's been being followed and... It seemed like he was better" She said as they took everything to the elevator and saw the doors close.
She looked around and got her son's clothes together as she put everything into a trash bag and followed them out.
Leondre followed after her.
"Why didn't he tell me?" He asked.
Karen sighed.
"I don't know... He didn't want to tell anyone. And in case you forgot... This has a lot of you in it" She said out of her mind.
As soon as she saw Leo's face she realised she had fucked up.
"I'm sorry.. He's been on edge for months now... I'm sorry." She said hugging him. "Let's go." she said as she walked with Leondre who was shaking and confused.

Karen drove quietly as she saw Leo follow behind in his car.
This was going to be such a mess to clean and explain to him.
She didn't mean to blame but at the same time she did.
Her son wouldn't be this bad of a mess if whatever happened had never happened and Leo was a big trigger for him.
She knew it wasn't his fault but she needed someone to blame other than herself.
How could she have missed it?

Leo drove at all speed and almost punched a guard when they told him Charlie wasn't being allowed visitors except for his mother who was arranging everything.
Karen stood outside of Charlie's curtain and gave the doctor a hand shake.
Hours had gone by and she thought Leo had gone away.
"Charlie's sleeping right now... They got him an NG tube so he has to sort of eat" She said as she looked at the boy.
Leondre nodded.
"I can't see him right?" He asked.
"No... He's getting transferred to a clinic though. Maybe you'll be able to see him there" She said smiling gently at him. "Go Home Leondre... There's nothing to do here" She said.
Leondre nodded and closed his eyes.
"Yeah... I will. Please tell me when..." He asked.
Karen smiled and nodded.
"I promise" She said.
Leo looked at the curtain and sighed as he turned and left.

"Why would you THINK I don't love you? You're my everything Char" Leo said as he sat in Charlie's lap.
Charlie smiled.
"But you said..." He whispered.
"What I said... Was stupid. I know you wouldn't hurt me... You love me" He said gently stroking his cheek. "And I love you. I don't want to let you go" He whispered.
Charlie smiled and pulled Leo's head down.
"I love you too" He whispered kissing him

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