Q&A- 4

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Third person's P. O.V

Leo drove all the way home feeling lightheaded, not eating much will that to you.
He stopped at a red light and pulled out his phone as he was getting a call.
He saw the caller and smiled.

"Hi baby." He mumbled as he connected the phone to the ear piece so both his hands were free.

"Hey love. Sorry I left I wasn't feeling well." He heard Carla talk to someone on the other side.

"Nah it's fine... I went to Charlie's so I really couldn't notice you were gone." He said teasing her as he chuckled starting to drive again. He heard her groan on the other end of the line and laughed lightly.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Leondre rolled his eyes and groaned internally. This was one of the reasons Charlie and him had drifted apart. Carla didn't really like their friendship for starters.

"What is that supposed to mean? YOU'RE the one who left ME." He said feeling his blood boil a little too hot.

"Not like you actually wanted me there anyway. I know I already asked you this but..."

Leondre didn't let her finish and growled out.

"How many time do I have to tell you? CHARLIE MEANT NOTHING!" He said louder making sure she could hear him loud and clear. "I getting home now. See you whenever."

Leondre hang up the phone and put it in his pocket before killing the car and going inside.
He was quick to go to his room as he wanted to avoid questions from his mother.
She knew he had gone to Charlie's, she just didn't know he hadn't really gone and stood with him at all.

As he entered his room he saw it was a complete mess and decided to get cleaning.
As he was lifting his head a type of flashback hit him.

"Char..." He groaned as he felt the hand that grabbed his hair pull at it exposing his neck.
"Bed baby boy..." He heard Charlie's low mumble in his ear and pulled away.

Leo could almost see it unfold before his eyes as it continued.

His body moved to the sound of Charlie's voice and he was quick to take his sweater off before realising what he was doing and pulling away.
"Charlie... We can't..."
He watched as Charlie nodded and left the room going back downstairs to the party.

Leondre shook his head as he tries to connect this type of memory, if he could cá it that, to as to when this could have happen but came up with nothing other than his mind playing games on him.

"Fucking Carla making me doubt my fucking life" He groaned as he texted her AN I love you.


Charlie and Ana went up to his room as she had her arm around him.

"Is it bad again?" She asked looking understanding at him.
He looked at her and nodded.
Charlie knew where she wanted to get to and he didn't feel like talking about it.
"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled kissing her hungrily and taking her in his arms entering his room and closing the door with the back of his head.
Ana kissed him back just as eager but stopped him.

"Is this about Leondre?" She asked biting her lips as she pulled away. "Carla and I both saw the interview... You didn't seem present there babe." She whispered.
Charlie looked at her and could tell that she knew.
"You know don't you?" He asked sadly, she just nodded "It was one time I promise and it meant nothing..." He said hurrying to pretend he wasn't madly in love with his best friend.
Ana smiled softly with a sad shine in her eyes.
"We both know that's not what it was don't we?" She said cupping his face with both her hands and kissing him. "That was you horny and lonely" She suggested as she kissed down his jaw and started fumbling with Charlie's jeans.
Charlie tensed under her touch but let her do as she pleased
No one could know what he felt.
After a few minutes of Ana kneeling down she gave up trying to get Charlie's member hard.
"I have to go babe... I understand it's from the meds... Maybe tomorrow you'll feel up to it." She said smiling  and kissed him again.
Charlie smiled back and walked her to the door.
As soon as she was out he felt relief wash over him and could finally breathe again.
Charlie picked his phone up off the floor and decided to call his best friend.

" What up bitch?" He greeted as soon as Leo picked up the phone.

"Hum... Not much..." He heard as he knew Leo chuckled. "I meant to go there today but... Ana was there and she doesn't really like me so..."

Charlie cut him off and laughed.

"Yeah? Well she's not here anymore..." He said suggest fully "You could come by..." He said hoping Leondre would.

He heard the line die for about thirty seconds before Leo spoke up.
"Yeah... Sure... Open the door I'm already here.."

Charlie hung up the phone and hurried to get decent again as he was still in his underwear.
As soon as he was he opened the door and welcomed Leo in with open arms.

Maybe this afternoon they'd get it off their chest.

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