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(It's a month since their alone time and now they are expecting their first baby.)
Thunder:how long will it take for our child to be here.
Gracey:*giggled* Thunder we just found out it will still be a long time before we see our baby.
Thunder: do you think you would have the strength to give birth?
Gracey: Thunder my mother was sick and starving when I was born I'm have more than enough strength to give birth.
Thunder: I will be with you during the birth I don't want my love to feel uncomfortable.
Gracey: Thunder the midwife isn't doing the delivery you are my midwife will stand by if there's trouble.
Thunder: what?!..... isn't that dangerous?
Gracey: no it's not my father delivered me I want you to have the one of our family tradition. Father's deliver their son or daughter on the first birth.
Thunder: so if we have another baby I won't deliver it?
Gracey: no but if your not comfortable with it then I'll change it.
Thunder: no it's your rule I must keep you comfortable until the day comes.
Gracey: ok (kiss thunder on lips)
3 weeks past
Thunder: hi love how's Are baby treating you?
Gracey: come here and listen.
(Gracey lifts up her shirt, thunder puts his ear to her belly.)
Thunder:*gentle sigh * I can hear it moving....
Gracey: it started to kick to.
Thunder: are you gonna be ok?
Gracey:ya I'm going to the bathroom more often but the midwife said it's normal.
Thunder: that's a relief do you want more pillows?
Gracey:no I just want to be rubbed.
(thunder gently rubs Gracey to get her comfortable she is tense because she's not hugging him)
Gracey:Thunder when I give birth you must be positive for me even though your scared. I don't want to lose the feeling to push.
Thunder: don't worry I won't I'll stay positive for you Gracey....good night my love (kiss her forehead)

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