Birth of princess raven

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(Few months has past since the prince and princess heard joyful news from the doctor that there gonna have a second child. Darkness didn't mind caring for his pregnant mother even when she can do things on her own and now the wait is over but it's was only a matter of time before the symptoms was late at night thunder was working on paper work when a guard comes in.)
Guard- your majesty it's your wife she needs you.
Thunder- ok is she in the nursing room?
Guard- yes your majesty and darkness is in the hallway.
Thunder- thank you you may leave.
(The guard bow's and walks away. Thunder enters the nursing room and locks the door behind him.)
Thunder- how are you feeling love?(rubbing her back)
Gracey-(mowns in pain) it really hurts.
Thunder- do you want me to stop?
Gracey- no please keep going.....I can feel our baby moving but it's kicking really hard.
Thunder-(Rubs her belly) does this work love?
Gracey- no it's not making a difference (grits her teeth in pain and seeing her water has broken. Thunder puts his hands in her hands. She leans against him breathing fast she starts to spread her legs and waits for the midwife to tell her to push.)
Midwife- What for your contractions to be strong princess.(She waits a little bit longer) ok princess push as hard as you can.
(Gracey started to push hard , thunder squints in pain from his love squeezing his hands, she lets out a gasp for air and continues to push. Thunder and the midwife keeps encouraging her until the last push thunder and Gracey hear their baby cry.)
Midwife- it's a girl.....a vampire????
Thunder-What? (Fans his wife to keep her cool) how is it possible?
Gracey-(starts to brest feed her.) Remember love I'm haft angel haft demon maybe my demon side must have something to do with her being a vampire.
Thunder-maybe but it's the only exclamation we got..... do you think raven is a good name for her?
Gracey- ya raven is perfect.
Darkness- can I hold my little sister mommy, daddy?
Thunder- you can son put one hand under her head and your other hand holding her bottom.
Darkness- she looks like you mommy.
Gracey-be carful darkness.
Darkness-eeeewwwww she pooped🥴
Thunder-hand her to me darkness I'll clean her up.
Darkness- How do you now how to take care of her? Did you take lessons?
Gracey-*giggled* no dear it's not about lessons raising a child is an instinct. you won't know it yet but when your married and plan to have a child of your own you will understand.
Thunder-darkness Lets let your mom and sister sleep.
Darkness- ok🤗

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