Chapter 19

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"Did he give you his jacket?"

"It is spring in Angeles and it was midday. Neither of us were wearing jackets."

"Did he walk you home?"

"We live in the same place, Mary. There wasn't much of an option in the matter."

"Did he kiss you goodnight?"

I looked down, a giant blush coloring my cheeks.

"How romantic," She sang, mock swooning and landing on the bed next to me.

Anne sighed. "Mary, get up and do some work."

"Let her be, Anne," Lucy said quietly. "This is really big for America."

"Are you going to go see him?" Mary asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, today. Are you planning on seeing him?"

"I hadn't even thought about I supposed to?"

"Yes!" Mary yelped.

"Do whatever feels right for you," Lucy said.

"I hate this," I grumbled, falling back against my pillows. "It's so complicated. There is so many little things you have to worry about and check up on."

"That's called dating."

"We're not..."

"You kinda are," Lucy spoke. "There really isn't any other way to put it."

"We're engaged."

"That should make it easier, if you think about it," Mary pointed out. "A lot of people have to worry about where the relationship is going. You're going to marry him no matter what, so you don't have to worry."

"It's not that simple," I said.

"It could be."

"He's going to stop by your room this morning," Lucy mumbled.

Mary and I's head both whipped around to face her. "What?"

"Well I was talking with Aspen—Officer Legar—before I brought you breakfast. And he had come from Maxon's room, and said that Maxon was planning on stopping by your room to say hi."

"What!" Mary screeched. "She's basically in a robe and slippers!"

"I'm in a day dress and flats—."

"Might as well have just woken up. Needs makeup and—."

"Mary I look fine," I interrupted. "I wore jeans on a date last night and your worried about my dress? Would you prefer I wear an evening gown?"


"I swear—."

"Hi Mr. Singer!" Lucy squeaked, gathering our attention.

I looked at the door, and saw Maxon hesitantly peaking his head into the room. Why do I always leave that door open?

"Uh hello......" Maxon trailed off.

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