Chapter 11: Challenge

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Beneath the sweltering sun, synchronised roars of young Apprentices ring across the courtyard as they continue with their martial art drills. Each move is accompanied by a shout, full of spirit and zeal, and it's music to Kiin's ears no matter how many times he hears it in a day.

A warm breeze caresses his navel, and Kiin wonders if he should design a new set of uniform for usage within the Palace. Probably not. The more accepting these young Purgers are of their bodies' beauty, the more effective they will be on the field.

But just how many of them will live to see themselves as full-fledged Purgers?

"As the fangs of the cubs sharpen, so too will the maws of peril."

While Kiin is admiring the young Apprentices, he can sense a Purger approaching him from the other side of the walkway. The newcomer's Chi has a rather choppy flow, signifying distress. He calmly waits for him to arrive.

"Father." The Purger bows. It's En.

Kiin still has his eyes trained on the Apprentices. "Tell me, En. What determines an Apprentice to be worthy of being a real Purger?"

En frowns, hesitating. Kiin can sense his flow of Chi spiking; he's annoyed by the question. "I... well, whether the Arcana Ritual accepts him or not, I think."

"The Arcana Ritual..."

It's a ritual that taps into the young Apprentice's spirit and evokes a special power from its very essence. When an instructor deems an Apprentice pair to be ready- usually by the age of 16 or 17- he will propose for them to be selected. In fact, the purpose of the harsh training is solely to prepare them for this ritual.

There are two criteria that must be fulfilled in order for the ritual to succeed. One: the boy's body, mind and soul must be strong. Two: his partner must survive the ordeal as well. If any of the pre-requisites are not met, the soul of the boy would be ripped apart... and since criterion two exists, both boys must be strong. Though the process is painful, the boys will gain an incredible power should they live through the ordeal. And this power is best known by the Purgers as an Arcana ability.

And in the ritual, it's Kiin himself who's forcing the powers out of them.

"Yes, quite right." Kiin nods. "If it were simply up to their physical and mental strength, then our training would've been more than enough. But even then, only half of our boys are capable of surviving the ritual."

"Their soul," En says.

"Exactly. So, what do full-fledged Purgers possess in their soul that makes them special, different compared to those that don't survive?"

By now, Kiin can sense En's impatience growing. "I'm not sure, Father."

"Reason," Kiin says. "Their reason of existence, their imperishable will to achieve something. Survival is an afterthought at that point, and yet it makes their will to survive so much stronger. The ritual requires this. We can give our boys the best training this realm has to offer, but this reason is something they have to find on their own." Kiin dips his head, a bitter smile cracking from his lips. "Which is why Purgers are designed to work like lovers. Love is an effective catalyst, despite its volatility; a double-edged sword, if you may."

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