Chapter 22: Fate

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Kiin sends the last of his Purgers away, weary after a day of sorting out the reports given by his boys. His words to Song and Shu that day weren't merely to boast, about him being an 'Emperor' of these lands; the truth is while his title is something that the citizens informally gave him, his role is extremely similar to rulers of nations from the worlds he's been to. The Black Blossom's Purgers not only rid the nation of invading Void Seekers, but they deal with economic issues as well such as rebuilding cities, mitigating drought effects to protect crops and so on. With their Arcana abilities, they can do what many normal humans can't in order to protect their way of life.

There are times where he grows tired of dealing with these matters. After all, his ultimate goal is to rid the world of the Seekers, but he knows things would be much more difficult without the support of the people. To raise an army of Purgers he needs food and resources, and to obtain these resources he needs the help of the common folk.

"Thank you for your hard work again, Father." Xin takes his place before the throne's flight of steps and bows. "I must remind you that it's time to prepare for your duel."

Kiin takes a moment to soak in the peacefulness of the empty court. "So it is."

"Would you like to have a bath before that?"

"No, it's fine."

"Very well. Then I shall take my leave." Xin bows once more before turning towards the entrance.

"Wait," Kiin calls out, stopping the Oracle in his tracks. "There's something I have to ask you."

"What is it, Father?"

Kiin hesitates, wondering if he's going to look vulnerable for asking. "What kind of results are you expecting Song to achieve?"

Xin ponders for a moment. "Well... he does not need the power of a god to change his fate. I'm sure Father will come to understand this in due time."

Kiin catches a knowing twinkle in Xin's eyes, but his cryptic answer leaves him with a sense of assurance nonetheless. Although he's met more powerful users of the Wheel of Fortune arcana before, for some reason he can't help but trust Xin more than anyone else. Perhaps it's his loyalty, perhaps it's the bond they share, but to him Xin is special.

And if Xin is right, there might be hope for this realm after all.

When Song finally opens his eyes, the sun is already glowering in a hue of magma orange, bathing the Garden of Resolution in its glaring light. He can feel the heat of the blazing rays fighting against his chilled features; seems like autumn is really coming early this year. Funny how this is his first and only time that he's able to meditate properly, when he's in the face of death, but Shu was right: meditation does bring peace to the soul.

Song senses someone approaching him from the side of the gazebo. Even without looking, he already knows who it is.

"Rare to see you meditating," Long says. "I'm guessing Shu isn't in the Palace anymore."

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