Chapter 23: Yin

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Shu has never ran faster in his life before. He blasts through the undergrowths, zips through the trees and races through the terrain as if he were a bolt of lightning, his body fuelled by strength he never knew he had. Even the effects of the drug seem to have worn off minutes after he started running.

Eventually, past the last stretch of trees, the outskirts of Bai Hu loom in sight. Shu pauses to catch his breath, wishing he had Song's speed and stamina for the billionth time.

"You could at least look back once." Mei pants heavily, trudging towards Shu. "Is this how Song treats you on missions?"

Lin looks winded as well, but he remains tight-lipped.

"We don't have time," Shu mutters. "The duel must've started already."

"And what're you going to do once you're there?" Lin asks. "Fight Father with Song? Or take on the entire Blossom on your own? We're fugitives now!"

"I'll think of something."

Lin still doesn't look convinced in the slightest, but he nods anyway. The trio speed towards their destination once more. They leap from roof to roof, making quick work through the lively city and plunge into the final stretch of vegetation. Only a few miles left to the Palace.

"They're expecting us," Lin says.

Mei and Shu choose not to argue with his statement. Like Song, Lin's hunches are reliable to a fault. They burst through the last wall of trees and race across the bridge towards the Palace. Before they've even crossed half the distance, whistling noises pierce the air.

"Form up!" Shu bellows, and several Faceless Soldiers with tower shields materialise in an instant. The Soldiers raise their shields just in time to block the Chi darts for the trio. The shields cave in from the devastating impact, but the Soldiers hold on. Barely.

"Lin!" Mei roars.

"On it!" Lin melts into the Palace walls and immediately, the entire structure begins to trembles violently, kicking up dozens of Apprentices into the air.

Mei springs into a somersault over the Palace walls and fires a wave of crimson strings from his fingertips, piercing the Apprentices. Once the young boys land back onto solid ground, Shu knows the battle is already over. The Apprentices drop their bamboo pipes, take their respective partners into their arms... and begin kissing.

"It's fine, they'll be safe," Mei says with a wink. "The Devil works especially well on people that already have established bonds."

Shu watches as the boys feel and make out their respective partners, oblivious of the trio's presence now. What a terrifying power.

More Apprentices swarm into the courtyard from the flanking gates, numbering in the hundreds. Before they can even make it to the centre of the battlefield, pillars of rock burst from the ground, forcing the boys to hesitate. One final pillar punches through the ground at the centre of the courtyard, this one much larger than the rest. A greyish human-like figure peels itself from the wall and hangs there. The greyish liquid encasing it solidifies quickly, giving it colour, until finally Shu can make out Lin's features.

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