Chapter 19: Escape

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There's a slight earthy scent in the air, accompanied by a breeze that makes his nose itch. Song can't tell if it's just him getting jumpy, or that autumn is arriving really early this year. Daybreak is just around the corner. For once, the cool morning air is actually refreshing despite his detest for waking up early.

"It's about time we leave this place," Shu says, walking towards Song.


Shu looks back at his quarters, then at everyone else's house down the row. "I know you won't miss this place, but I will."

"I'll miss the pork buns that Feng always makes though."

"Is food the only thing your pea-sized brain knows..."

They share a nod before making their way through the lantern-lit walkways, taking the shortest path towards the front gate. The both of them have chosen not to bring anything to avoid suspicions from the guards. Besides, most of their money is with the local bank.

Upon arriving at the final set of castle walls, Song notices something unusual about the turrets on top of the gate. There are Apprentices positioned to face inside the Palace, rather than outside. Normally, the guards would only leave the Apprentices at ground level for this task. Why the change now?

"Careful," Song mutters, nodding towards the turrets. "Something feels off."

Shu nods, then takes a deep breath before walking alongside with his partner. As they approach the Apprentice pair, the one on the left steps forward and raises his hand towards them, palm outstretched.

"Halt! State your business!" the young boy says authoritatively.

"We're heading to town to take a bounty," Shu explains calmly. "We'll be back by midday for sure. Just need a good stretch."

The Apprentice pair exchange glances. The one on the left then says, "Sorry, we're not allowed to let any Purgers through unless they've received special permission from Father."

Shu's face blanches. Song saw this coming a mile away though. Kiin is no fool. After last night's duel between Shu and Zhou, it was easy to predict Shu's interference. Song can only click his tongue tetchily and silently curse Kiin from the bottom of his heart.

"Come on, it won't be long, I promise," Shu says, forcing a smile. "Do you know we've been stuck in the Palace since our punishment? Even Song, that lazy good-for-nothing, is growing restless from seeing the Palace walls all the time."

"I'm sorry Brother Shu, but our orders are absolute," the other Apprentice says, bowing deeply. "Please understand that we're only doing as we're told."

"Forget it." Song sighs, stretching his arms behind him. "Guess this 'lazy good-for-nothing' will just sleep till the lockdown is lifted."

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