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Tina POV

Laying sadly on the bed. Tears sliding down my face. Trying to reach out to Destiny her phone kept on going through to voicemail. I felt so heart broken, disappointed and dooped. I willed myself to go to work but I just couldn't. I would fall apart every now and then. I hadn't ate, nor got an ounce of sleep. I felt drained.

Trying to force myself to eat something, a knock breaks my thoughts. Walking up to my door opening it. There he stood, a sad look on his face as I already knew. Walking further in the room. Following him inside I stood behind my counter.
"You breaking up with me aren't you?" I question, sighing "Tina loo-" "JUST SAY IT!" I bark, tears blurring my vision as he looked down in shame. "Tina my family needs me" he whispers. My lips quivering, "What about me, I need you" I cry, his eyes red he remained silent at my words. "Get out" I croak,slamming my hand on the counter "GET OUT!" I scream, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I cry. Walking towards the door, "was it ever real?" I croak trying to console myself, stopping him in his tracks, "us, this, was it ever real or was it just a phase for you?" I sob, turning to face me, his lips moving as he tried to find the right words but none seemed to come out, "it doesn't matter anymore" he whispers making me face down in pain before making his way out. Glued to my spot, breaking down into a hysterical sob. Falling to my knees as I felt like I was being ripped apart.
I loved him. How stupid of me, I loved him, yet the feeling wasn't mutual. He used me. What did I ever truly do to deserve this, at this point it wasn't only because of him but my ex husband hurt me, now him. Why couldn't anyone see my value, it broke me apart at how I always felt pain at the hands of men, just why, why couldn't I be happy just like any other woman. How I longed for him to tell me he loves me and that he wants to be with me, but he just couldn't, he WOULDN'T .

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