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"So your parents adopted you?" Kevin asks in shock, nodding my head as I took another swig of the burning liquor. Grabbing the bottle from my hand, "so who are your real parents", sending him a glare "I don't know, and I clearly don't want to fucken know" sighing as he took everything in. "Have you spoken to Christina?", "what's there to say she hid my baby from me" I snap,"man I know you hurt but don't you think you need to talk to her?" Kevin questions, "I have nothing to say to her, what clearly happened was a mistake" I spit....

Tina POV
Out at the park with Israel and Percy. Trying to let the breeze help me get through my pain. Sitting at home waiting for Malik to call just made me even more anxious. I want him to hold me, for him to tell me he understands.
I'm really trying to give him time and space. Him knowing I'm pregnant wasn't going to make much of a difference anyway. Or am I really the one to blame, is this some sort of punishment for everything I've done. Why is the world so against my happiness. Beaten and raped for 7 years straight. Then being abused emotionally and physically for 5 years straight by someone I thought could protect me and finally love me. Then here I was thinking I have found the person I need, he hates me. "Auntie what's wrong?" Looking down at Israel, reaching down my cheek feeling the wetness from the tear. "Oh honey, Auntie is just having an allergy from all this grass" I laugh trying to convince him. "You ready to go now?" I question. Nodding his head, "I'm hungry" he says, "oh we'll get something on the way then" I smile. Getting Percy we bought burgers on the way.

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