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The neighbor invited me over for a quick session of Tarot, or something like that. I honestly couldn't care, she just amazed me. My parents told me that she was a great medium back in the day, that probably explains why she lives in a house, full of murder reports.

As for Roy, the guy who I used to date back in Florida, found himself a new slut. My friend, Linda had told me, sending me her Facebook profile as well as insta. Her whole feed was just them two, out drinking and having fun. It made me physically sick.

I didn't even cry, I knew it would happen at one point. He always lied to me. And lied about staying loyal to me when I went to Cali. I really wish I was back in Florida.

It was a stormy day, and her house was just over the now forming lake. Apparently we lived in a flood zone now.

She told me 6, but then called again, saying 2. She said come at 2, at 1:45. I had 15 minutes to get out of my pajamas and dig through shit to look okay. God, this woman.

I pulled on a light raincoat, since that had been the only raincoat in the whole of Florida. It was no different from there. We had a lot of rain - tropical rain - that usually flooded, but here was apparently the same.

I ran through the puddle, slipping and falling on my butt. Fucking Hell! It made my whole set of jeans wet, and I could see kids from another house, laughing at me.

I stood up, and tried my best not to slip as went to Billie's house. Under the patio, I knocked heavily on the door, already tired of waiting the 5 seconds for her.

She opened the door, perfectly dry. Did I just want to throw her in that puddle over there? I looked to the puddle by the bushes as I snickered at the thought. "Oh, Ms. Howard, I believe?"

"God, you look drenched. Come in, Sweetheart." She said, biting her lip, very noticeably as she cleared the doorway for me to step in. And I did so.

I glanced at the wall to see the number 818 on there, how peculiar. "What's that on the wall?" I ask, pointing to the clear red paint of 818.

"It came with the house. Apparently they couldn't patch it up, so there it is for everyone to see," Billie said, coming up behind me, and setting her hands on my hips. "I looked it up, it means starting a new chapter in your lives. Or something like that."

I bit my lip, maybe she put it there. Maybe she's onto me. It would make sense from- no. "Cool," I mutter out and turn to face her. "Isn't there this little something about Tarot reading? Or am I mistaken?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Hmmm? Getting mouthy with me, (y/n)?," She said, grabbing my lip, making me shiver at her touch. "I was hoping you'd stay for dinner, but if you're not intrested, you can go back home." She said, moving past me and letting go of my lip.

"I am sorry, Billie. I just am not such a big believer in these arts, Miss Howard." I said, and she tried to hide her arousal from the name. It was obvious. But I was straight.

"Well, the chicken is in the oven, so I am gonna have to check on that, make yourself at home." She said, leaving me alone.

I looked out the window, seeing a whole pile of water between our houses. There is no way I can get through that. And there is lightening.

I guess I am stuck with Billie Dean Howard.

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