Chapter 10- In Which Evie Meets a Demon Who Plays a Bigger Role Than Depicted

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BY THE TIME Evie and Claudia had made it into the forest, the news had already reported them as "dangerous adolescents". Evie sighed and put her head in her hands, her blue tresses covering her face. Claudia merely smirked.

"They aren't very understanding, now are they," she clicked her tongue, making disapproving motions. " I better go back and report to King Idiot." The blue-haired narcissist shrugged, and the curly haired brunette disappeared without a sound. Evie sighed again and headed over to the cottage, the one that Snow White had inhabited. She sat on a dwarf-sized oak chair, rethinking all her life decisions. Suddenly, a figure in a cloak of scaly dragon skin appeared. She looked up startled, she took a quick intake of breath, putting a hand on her chest.

"Claudia, don't do that," she chastised, putting her head back into her hands. The cloaked figure just laughed, but instead of light and meaningful, it was deep and throaty. That was not Claudia. She scrambled out of her chair, backing into a wall. The figure took off the hood of the blood-red cloak, revealing its face to be a revolting sight. It was dark red, with black holes in it's skin. There were burn marks, and horns on the top of his head. His lips twisted into a menacing snarl.

"I do not see a Claudia," it stated, a deep and throaty kind of voice. "I am Charron, the Fairy Godmother's counterpart." Evie became confused, counterpart?

"Yes, her counterpart," the demon read her mind, "you don't expect everything to be 100 percent good, do you?" The blueberry princess shook her head, but still wondering where he came from, considering the fact that she had never heard of him, not even in the Isle schools. "When the damn woman was conceived, I was too. We were one in the womb. The only difference was that she sucked all the goodness out of me. I was helpless, until I began draining all evil from her. That's how I survived." Charron growled, smirking at her. "All I had to do was act good enough for our parents not to suspect something, but I didn't have to do that for very long, as they died when we were merely thirteen years of age. Mum died, and Father couldn't live without her, so he killed himself. Of course, I egged him on a little, pushing him to kill himself faster. We were sent to an orphanage where my perfect sister always helped, and I was the bully, pushing kids into things they didn't want to do, or getting them into trouble." Evie took shaky breaths, her chest rattling in fear. If this demon was who he says he is, then it meant no good to her. Had Hayden set this up, to see what would happen to her? Were he and Claudia laughing at her, trembling before the demon? "I ran away then, and hid, biding my time, letting people believe I was dead. Then, twelve years ago, I set free the demons of the world, and they did quite well to wreak havoc across Auraon. That is, until my goody-goody sister interfered, locking them back up. She then cast a charm, and everyone went to sleep, waking up and thinking it was a dream. So, I kept hiding, waiting until the perfect time to strike.Then, I heard that four little Villain Kids would get to go to the preppiest school around, and I knew I could get one of them to join me. But, even two years later, it looks like Hayden beat me to it." He let out a sigh, looking to the side before smirking once more and straightening out his cloak. He looked at her darkly. The menacing snarl back.

"But he's not here right now to protect you, so what will you do," he studied his long, charred nails. Evie gulped and made a mad dash for the door, but the demon stopped her, picking her up by the waist and throwing her against the wall, pinning her there. With a dagger he whipped out of a pocket, he wrote 'narcissist' on her wrist, with her screaming in pain. He looked her body up and down.

"I could have my fun before I kill you," with that, he used his sharp and yellow nails to trace her body, scratching her, down to her thighs. The teen let out a strangled whimper, wrist bleeding heavily. He fingered her harshly with his nails on one hand, after ripping her clothes off of her, and the other held her in a chokehold, pressing against her windpipe. Blackness erupted her vision, from the lack of oxygen making its way into her lungs. She gave one last heaving breath, and with a bright blue flash of light, a cold blackness consumed her.


Hey, sorry for the abuse here, and I know this chapter makes absolutely no sense, but it will later in the book, I promise!

                  xoxo, Blue

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