Chapter 12- Finding

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MAL HAD NOt left her room for three days. The rim of her eyes were red, but her pupil was in a constant state of glowing green. The feeling of betrayal by her best friend and brother weighed heavily on her. Students and faculty have reported a thick purple fog layering and filling the girl's corridor. Her only visitors were her friends delivering meals three times a day. Meanwhile, the dragon princess pored over her spellbook, trying to find a spell or anything that might help her find out where her best friend was. She groaned in frustration, running her pale slender fingers through her purple hair. After flipping through page after page after page, an idea hit her faster than you could say, "I hate princesses." Mal shut her book with a large thump, snatched Evie's old faded blue hairbrush off the nightstand, and opened her dorm doors. She sighed and flicked her wrist, and the fog split down the middle, forced onto the walls, leaving the middle of the hallway clear for the first time in three days.

She walked quickly down the corridor, down the stairs, down and across the fields, down into the kitchen. Jay and Carlos noticed her from the fields, shared a glance, and threw off their helmets, sprinting after her. Carlos panted as Jay threw open the doors, leaning against the wall with his hands on his knees while the doors swung back and forth. Jay stood with his arms crossed, no sign of having just sprinted crossed his features. He raised his eyebrows at the purple-haired princess.

"It's not time for dinner," he stated plainly. "Unless you've come to make it yourself." Jay had taken her holing up her room very personally, she was his bestest friend. He'd even made- well actually stole- them little friendship bracelets when they were six, and he was still innocent. Her head snapped up, and the green in her eyes was much dimmer than before.

"I'm not here to eat, I'm here to find out where my best friend went," she snapped. Carlos finally looked up, straightening out his back. He glared at her a little bit. "Sorry, our best friend," she corrected. Actually, Carlos was Evie's first friend on the Isle. He was friendly with her at school, and she didn't hate him after she was trapped in his mother's closet with fur traps. He even trusted her enough to show her his most recent innovations. Carlos nodded and leaned his back on the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Mal sighed and got back to the potion brewing in the cauldron. She thought it was ironic that a place that detested such evils would hold something that represents something like witchcraft in the kitchen. She shrugged off the thought and grabbed the hairbrush, pinching a hair and tugging it, pulling it off of the brush. She peered at it, muttering darkly under breath, before dropping it into the bubbling brew. As soon as the hair touched the liquid, a bright blast of royal blue blinded the teens temporarily, but when they opened their eyes, they still couldn't see. A dark hazy mist swirled around them, and they coughed and sputtered, waving away the mist. Carlos opened one of the doors, the air flowing freely out of the kitchen. By the time they could see, and Carlos closed said door, the last of the darkness' tendrils leaked from under the door. Mal leaned over the large pot, watching intently as the fog spilling over the edges thinned, until it was all gone and an image started forming in the liquid. The various shades of blues created shadows and contrasts, finalizing a clear image.

"What-" Carlos began to ask.

"Snow White's cottage, we have to go there." Mal struggled picking up the cauldron until Jay stepped in, helping her to lift it over the edge of the sink, dumping the blue potion down the drain. A small burst of air ruffled their hair a little. "Thank you," she muttered. He nodded. Carlos stood impatiently by the swinging doors, tapping his foot quickly on the floor, creating a little tapping noise. His companions got the message and walked over to where he was. They all looked at one another, as though all their trust was in one another rather than anything else in the world before the guys started to walk out the door. Mal made a noise in the back of her throat and raised her purple brows.

"Let's get there faster," she said, holding out her hand. Carlos and Jay shared a skeptical look before turning their attention back to the girl.

"And how is that?"


"How do we know that will work?"

"Trust me," she paused. "For Evie." Carlos blew out a sigh, before putting his hand on hers. Jay cautiously followed the lead, putting his hand on top, still looking skeptical. But before he could voice anything, the kitchen seemed to spin and swirl into colors. His stomach opposed the motions, but he couldn't do anything about it. Carlos looked around curiously, trying to figure out how this was possible. Everything had a basic science logic behind it, even magic. It was just figuring it out that took time. Mal had her eyes closed in concentration, picturing the little cottage with as much detail as possible. One small stray detail, and they could be lost to the oblivion of space and time. Soon, the colors blurred into a general outline of a cottage, and a forest. Jay blinked once, and he missed the final transformation, so when his eyes opened, he was standing on the dirt trail leading to the little door. His stomach finally caught up to him, and he pushed a hand into his midsection, and the other to his mouth. He rushed off the trail into the trees, and leaned on a tree, his lunch paying him a revisit. Mal stared at the building, analyzing the area, deciding how to proceed. Going in with caution, and spying could get them more information, but running in there with hot hands would certainly catch them off guard. Then again, her trio didn't know how many people were in the cottage, and they could easily be outmatched. That, and one of the occupants was a fellow god offspring. Mal decided that the sneaky approach would be best. Carlos' face twisted into one of disgust listening to Jay, so he shoved leaves in his ears. By the time Jay was back, a plan had already formulated in Mal's brain.

Waving her hand vertically to drop down, the trio crept through the garden on hands and knees, stopping underneath a window. Because the window was closed, and there was too much designed wire on it, they could not look through the window. Mal cursed how fancy princesses liked things. Luckily, the people inside the house were loud enough so that the ones outside could hear. Mal only heard one thing, but it still sent a small chill down her spine.

"I have a bone to pick with dearest Mal, too."

~ so I guess I'm alive. I've been having a writer's block, so it's coming a lot slower. you should definitely check out my Multi-Fandom One-Shots book because the next oneshot I'm posting on there is about Evie.  Don't be a silent reader, comment and vote!

xoxo, Blue

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