He dates?

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He dates? The asshole dates? He agreed to a blind date?

Well that means he's single! Also straight.

No,he's your boss and this is just so messed up.

Still we were staring at one another like we were hoping the other would disappear. This is beyond awkward,like how are we going to come back from this? Work is going to be very difficult now...ugh Adrian!

I wish he'd have told me something more about him!

"Do you two know each other?" Adrian furrows his eyebrows

I gulp and look back to Tristan with wide eyes

"She's my new assistant" Tristan says smoothly. How can he be so smooth in a situation like this?

I narrow my eyes but unfortunately he isn't looking.

Adrian's eyes go wide and he whips his head to me quickly. He pulls my hand and I'm yelping as I'm being pulled into the hallway.

"He's your cousin!" I yell as we stop and face each other.

"I didn't know you worked at Shields and Sawyer otherwise I wouldn't have set you two up" he defended,slapping his hands over his eyes as if everything would be fine when he pulled them off.

I throw my hands into my hair and bite down on my lip. Its just my luck for this to happen. It would be me.

Suddenly we both stop as we see a shadow standing just a few feet away from us.

We turn to both face Tristan who was standing eyes wide looking at us both.

"I'm sorry to over hear but...well you weren't exactly being quiet" he chuckled and combed his hand through his dark hair.

Damn his looks.

"Um...i better go" I mutter and turn towards the door to leave.

"Hayley" I hear a smooth voice call,i immediately turn as if I was pulled round physically.

This man has this affect on everyone I swear.

I groan as I realise what I just did.

I see Adrian wandering back into the living room and Tristan walking swiftly towards me.

For some reason I felt scared. There was heat in his eyes and this scared me a little.

He stood about a foot away from me and even this had me stiff. He's really intimidating.

"Obviously there has been a miss understanding here" his eyes were blazing and I found myself biting my lip from the anxiousness. His eyes dropped my where my teeth now sat. He shook his head and immediately was focused once again.

"We'll forget this ever happened. It would be inappropriate for us to date considering the position we're both in at the firm" he commented.

My stomach flopped in disappointment. Well there goes any hope of...well anything with Mr hot pants then!

I nodded.

"Yes sir" I mumbled.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I whispered before grabbing the door handle and stepping out into the lobby.

Right I want to go home,i think ice cream is greatly called for right now.


I could already tell that things are going to be awkward today. I don't know how to dress now. I mean yesterday I looked good,ill be honest. Today though I don't know whether to attempt to look decent or not really try. Wouldn't he then think I was doing that because of him? Which I would be.

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