ooops sorry °chapter 3°

465 19 12

  August condo 7:15pm

All the girls are done cooking they made Jasmine set the table since her ass didn't help cook as Jasmine was settings the table moe walk in

Moe: is the food done?

Jas: ig they making me set the table so I'm going to say yes (laughs)

MOe: kool... he sits down Mia walks in and slaps the back of his head

Moe: ouch Brittany what was that for?

Britt: why you at the table already?

Moe: cus man I'm hungry (picks you fork abt to throw it at her)

Brit: you beta think twice b4 u throw that fork... he puts the fork down and laughs

Moe: man wteva where the food

Chris:  it's right here fatty.... the girls. Walking out the the food and placing on the table after the food was on the table everybody sat Down and was abt to dive in untill dess. Spoke

Dess:  uhmm did everybody wash they nasty little hands? YES everybody says in unsion OK let's bow I heads so we can say grace

Britt: but we gta wait for August imeen this is his house it's only right

Britt:  OMG u wud b the one sombody call that skinny nigga.... everybody Looks at Jasmine

Jas:ig. I'll call him....  calls August

Rinng ringg ringg. He picks up

Aug: hello

Jas:  where you at we ready to eat

Aug: hi to you too Jasmine but I just pulled up tell them niggas chill out

Jas: oh sorry heyy auggie hurry up I'm hungry!!

Aug: auggie tho (laughs ) it's cute I'll take tht bt ite I'm coming now

Jas: (smiles ) OK... hangs up .. he's coming now

Mia: bout time...  2mins later August walks thru the door

Aug: y'all was waiting on me int tht  sweet britt:  the only reason we waited was cus ur best friend said something

Chris:  shut up an Lets say grace August why dont you say grace since this is your house

Aug: OK let's bow I heads please... ("prayer ") dear lord we ask you to bless the food we are about to receive  an bless the hands that made it we thank you for letting us see another day so we can enjoy this wonderful feast that you have place in front of us today amen..  everybody says amen and they digg in

Aug: so jasmine why you move from ga to fl?

Jas: Well my dad got stationed out here

Britt: oh do ur a army bratt??

Jas:  I wudnt say a bratt bt yes I'm a army child

Des: so where your mom if you don't mind me asking?

Jas: uhmmmm she passed a few years ago..... everybody gets quiet

Britt: I'm sorry to hear that

Jas: it's fine it's  Been 3 years so it's getting kinda back to normal

Aug: tru I understand..... so they finishing eating an talking

Chris:  OK since we cooked y'all niggas gota clean

Aug: foreal mane i dont feel like it

Chris: well ig your kitchen goin to b dirty cus we did our part plus we bout to go ....gets up from table

Aug:so you not stayn over (talking to chris)

Chris: no not tonight gta get my hair done n the am mayb 2mrw

Aug: ok kool .... so all the girls leave but jasmine stays behind to help clean up 45mins later once they kitchen was clean all the guys left and it was jus august and jas

Aug: so you stayn over ?

Jas: uhmm sure i dont mind

Aug:ok kool well let me get the bottle so we can finish it

Jas:ok kool

   They sit and take shots and play truth or dare

Aug: ok truth or dare?

Jas: uhmmnmn i guess dare

Aug: (smiles) ok i dare you to come sit on my lap facing me and kiss me with passion jas: really august (laughs)

Aug:yupp.... so she gets ontop of august and  starts to make out with him you know it got hot .. they both had liqour in they system so you kno they did the nasty ....

                    Next day

    BEEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEP (ALARM GOING OFF) UGHHHH CHRIS screams in fustration she hits the off button an looks at the clock which read 8:15am her hair appt was in an hour so she jump up slip her slippers on walk to the bathroom and starts her shower went to the sink brushed her teeth and wash her face once she was done she took off her clothes an put her hair in a high bun and  got in the shower .... 25mins later ahe gets out the shower goes in the room dries off puts on some grey leggings with a tank top after all she was jus goin to the hair salon so once she was done she looked at her clock which read 8:45 she got her keys and walk out the door ahe got to the salon within 10 mins walk in and went striaght to her stylist chair

Chris: heyy tony you ready for me

Tony: yes child what you want done ( s/n the stylstis named tony after mu cuzin that passed away a few months ago an he was the beat hair stylist i love you tony r.i.p boo so this part is deicated to him)

Chris: uhmm i was thinking blonde

Tony: ok hunney aounds good .. so whre your sexy best friend at?

Chris: child he at home Prolly sleep

Tony: he shud of bought his sexy ass here so I can just stare at him (starts laughing )

Chris: u is too much (laughing )

Tony: I'm just sayn 

         45 mins later he was done with my hair and I must say I love it!!

Tony: I mean why wouldn't you I'm the best

Chris: that you are... she hands him the money hugs and leaves out.. so she went  by Mickey D's than calls August

Ringggg ringgggg ringgg ringg ringg (voicemail )

Chris: uhmm OK I'll just  go over there (she says to herself ) 15mins later she walks up to his door takes her spare key and unlocks the door she walks in to see the bottle of ciroc on the floor empty so she goes upstairs and bust in his room like she always does

Chris: AUGUST!!  (YELLING AND OPENS door to see Jasmine naked giving August head she jumps up and grabs the sheet ... he jumps up

Aug: damn chris u cud of knock ... Chris just runs out...

         What do you think was going thru her head when she seen that?

     An D's August alrdy got the booty from jasmine smh...  

Next chapter I'll go in to detail. With the sex scene...


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