Right thru me ●chapter 14●

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Steve: any last words ..He says as he points the gun to august head .. august doesn't say anything he just turns his head

Steve : oh so now you int got shit to say (laughs)
August : man if you gon kill me then do it don't prolong the shit ..
Steve : ok if you say so B A N G!! Steve jumps back to see the door fly open and people running in ...
Steve : WTF points gun at someone
I wouldn't do that if i was you a. voice says behind him Steve turns around to see a gun pointed to his head. . He chuckles
Steve : this is cute yall coming to rescue lil ol august and Mel well i have people surrounding this place your not going to get very far
Voice1: oh like him ..  they pull a guy in  and shot him n the head .. Chris walks up to august and unties him .. and hands him a gun
August : thanks who you ??
Chris : really august you don't know this voice? August looks at her for a second and then realizes it was Chris
August : damn Chris you look good you a thug now (laughs)
Chris :shut up and I clean up nice ..and omg what happen to your head .
August: man this fuck nigga pistol whipp me..
Chris : oh its time to end this once and for all .. Chris walks right up to him point the gun she was about to pull the trigger untill jay spoke ..
Jay: nah boo i got this .He moves her to the side ..He looks at Steve
Steve: what's good lil big brother how u been ?
Jay: I've been good living better... I see you doin good for yourself
Steve: well you know gta get it how u live..
Mia : man can yall cut the chit chat and jus kill the nigga damn ....
Steve : shut the fuck up bitch  mia looks at him side ways ..and cocks her gun
Mia : you fukn wit the right one she pulls the trigger and shoots him in the leg ... I bet you won't call me another bitch will you ? She walks out Steve lays on the floor in  pain  ..everybody sits there shocked untill august speaks

Aug: yo mel tie dis nigga up and zoe  you and the boys go kill the rest of them niggas and Chris yall make sure all doors are locked
:: ok Chris and zoe say They leave out
Mel: so what u wanna do aug shud we jus kill and get it over wit or torture him for awhile *laughs) August rubs his chin  august : I say we jus kill the nigga we int got time to waste
Jay: ok so who going to shoot him
Mel: we are they cock they gun and smile at each other  B A N G!  They shot at the same time all pointing at different body parts august had his head mel had his chest and jay had his stomach  the girls and boys run back in the room
britt: damn we miss the good part
Chris : you so stupid britt ( laughing) Bt can we go
Aug : yea but we gta burn this bitch down no evidence everybody agrees and they go leave ..
August : hey Chris come with me
Chris : ok  they walk to the front door
August : Christina I jus wanna say I'm sorry for talking to you the way I did for choosing her ova you for not telling you how I really feel about you I love you christina I wanna be with you I want you to be my bonnie I want you to be mrs alsina one day I've had feelings for you since middle school I jus neva said nuthn bc we are bestfriends and I didn't want to ruin our friendship but fuck it I wanna b wit you an i know you wanna be wit me so let's jus cut the run around and give us a try? Chris stands there n complete shock her palms are sweaty , her heart is going 100 miles an hr this is something she always wanted she stares at him
Chris : yes let's do it !! He kisses her deeply what they didn't know is that everybody was standing there. .
Britt: awhhhh yall make me sick ( laughs)
Aug: shut up bee you jus mad (laughs)
Britt: madd. . Madd about what ? The 2 of yall yea right i got my man (smiles)
Chris : and who might that be cus you sho ass hell int tell me ??
Mel : man can we save this shit for another time we need to burn this bitch down and go
Aug: yea you right yall sprayed the house down wit gasoline?
Mia : yea all them niggas soak
Dess: yo mia you crazy on the low like foreal (laughs)
Mia : yea sometime (laughs )
Rocko: ite so everyone lit the match and on the count of three we gon light this bitch up!
Zoe: ok let's do this but wait where's jay ?
Chris: idk let me go yell n the house real quick she runs back to the house and stops at the front door
Chris : JAYY  yells out (she waits for a sec and gets no reply ) she walks back to the crew ..... He didn't answer so I guess he's out
Mel: he b iight now let's go shit 1 everyone lights thre match ......2..............3 they all throw thre match and the house blows up n flames they all walk to there car before Chris could open her door August stops her
Aug : babe
Chris : yes
Aug: I jus wanna say thank you for risking your life for the yungin you didn't have to do tht you could of let me die and you didn't and so I'm forever greatful for you baby
Chris : awhhh baby you don't have to thank me I told you Ima hold u down no matter what I'm your bonnie you my Clyde we gon ride this thing out untill the wheels fall off and evn once them mfs fall off I'm walking wit you ya feel me
Aug: damn baby you done g  up on me and I like it jus know ... He walks closer to her.. jus know when I get you to myself that ass is mine he says in his deep NO accent and he licks his lips .Chris bites down on her bottom lip
Chris : I can't wait .....
Chris p.o.v:
As I lay in the bed layn on august bare chest out of breath, sweating we just got done of hours of love making I swear it was the best I've ever had you know when it's that type of love making that just blows ya mind it was amazing  I love this man I tell you I'll do anything for him but he has to go back to school and graduate with us but that's a conversation for another time ..Chris snaps out of her thoughts and get out the bed and goes to the rest room she turns the shower on she sits on the edge of the tub to get her water just right once she turns the shower on she walks to the sink , grabs her tooth brush and the tooth paste and brushes her teeth once she was done she threw her hair in a sloppy bun and jumps in the shower ( I forgot to mention she was naked lol) she puts her whole head under the shower head just letting the water run  she feels arms around her waist she jumps up and turns around to see august standing there laughing and smiling
Aug: awhh did I scare the little baby (he laughs)
Chris : hahaha not funni but yes you did asshole
Aug: ouch that hurts (he grabs his chest as if he was shocked) but nah foreal I'm sorry baybee( he kisses* her forehead)

Chris : it's ok babe but I enjoyed last night and this morning

Aug: so did I (he smiles) but let's get washed up i gota get you to school

Chris : ughh do I have to go (she pouts)
August mocks her

Aug: ughh yes you do so hurry up

                             45 mins later

In the car on the way to school nicki minja song came on right thru me and Chris began to rap along

                 "What are we doing, could you see through me,
cause you say Nicki and I say who me?
and you say no you, and I say screw you,
then you start dressing and you start leaving,
and I start crying, and I start screaming,
the heavy breathin', but, what's the reason,
always get the reaction you wanted,
I'm actually fronting, I'm asking you something
YO, answer this question, class is in session,
tired of letting passive aggression, control my mind,
capture my soul, OK, you're right just let it go,
OK you got it, it's in the can, before I played it,
you knew my hand, you can turn a free throw to a goal,
Nigga got the peep hole to my soul"
      August turns to look at her and smiles
Chris : what you smiling at goofy?
Aug: you like this song huh?
Chris : yea I do I think it relates to us in some ways (she smiles)
Aug: yea it kinda does Chris turns down the radio
Chris : august come back to school
Aug:  look babe I got other shit to handle besides school right now not sayn I'm not going to finish but not right now money coming in too fast
Chris : yea I understand you a "dope Dealer" but school is number one we suppose to go to school together baby you just going to throw it away?
August : Chris I'm not throwing it away I'm just not Going to walk and go to college like yall but Ima support you every step of the way shawty grabs her hand and kisses it Chris smiles
Chris : ok I'll support you too baby as long as you promise me that you will finish ..august grabs her pinky
August : I promise these things to you girl just believe I promise (he sings)
Chris : damn august I forgot you could sing she bites her bottom lip
August : yea I kinda lost it after I got into this fast life but I might pick it up again (laughs)
Chris: I think you should you'll go far
August : maybe but we here he puts the car in park in front of the school Chris grabs her stuff 
Chris : jus think about it she kisses him and opens the door August leans over
August : see you at 2 baby
Chris : ok have a good day be safe i love you
Aug:  I love you 2 she closes the door August drives off  10 mins down the road his phone goes off he picks up
FemaleV: august I need you ..............
                   who do you think it is??         
Sorry for the long wait guys but here it is i hope you guys enjoy it and give me some feed back
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