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_ The second chapter _
~ Car's window ~

Now the weekend is over and I have to go to school just because it's Monday..
But as any little kid, I love school as much as I love learning and discovering new things.

I woke up and my little pink curtains were closed overnight . But the only difference that I'm now ten, ten years old.

When you're ten you start realizing school isn't that fun, it's actually kinda boring and many girls started being rude and their childhood started to end !

Or it actually did, but mine didn't
I enjoy my childhood very much actually..

" Come down my dear, breakfast is ready " said my mother .
" Here I am coming " , said I happily

I went downstairs with my smiley face.
" Good morning honey " came down my father.
" Let's go my little sunshine or, you will miss your class " He said.

" I already finished " Said I before leaving our small brown table.

" Goodbye mother " I waved
" Goodbye dear, love you " She said

I entered my father's sliver car as he drove far away from home, to my school ..
I looked through the transparent window then I saw a black bird, again

The black bird was dancing, showcasing its talents but now my desire to fly wasn't that big like before.

That's the most thing that made me feel my childhood is ending !

I felt sad and broken that I can't bring my childhood back any more..
Then a small tear dropped out of my little blue eye.
" Anything wrong dear? " asked my father..

" No " replied me
" Everything's fine "

We arrived school and I said goodbye to my father , kissed him on his right cheek and entered my school with my blue uniform which also had the color of the sky..

When I entered the green doors, my best friend welcomed me and we hugged then the bell rang and all students went to their classes with green doors..

After school my father picked me up .
He welcomed me then I sat on the same chair I sat on the every morning.

I looked through the transparent window and I saw a black bird, again

The bird was showcasing its wings then after few moments another black bird joined the first black bird and they started dancing together

, dancing like birds

I think these birds were following us or following the silver car !
When we arrived home , dinner was ready.
We ate dinner and my father went back to his work.
My mother went back to the kitchen ,
as always..

And I, went to my small room and I found my small pink curtains closed.
My mother closed them when she was tidying up my room..

I opened my small pink curtains as I scratched my little nose then I looked up in the sky but I didn't see any black birds..

I kept watching then after few minutes, a black bird came flying and landed on a tree branch..
The brown tree branch it landed on before..

I scratched my little nose then layed on my bed for a while..

Other days weren't pretty different ,
Every day I go to school with my father in the silver car and everyday I saw black birds..

Sometimes one bird and sometimes two but they've never been much than two
But that was just for some time..

Every day I was asking myself
" Is this the black bird from yesterday ? "
" Or it's just another one ? "

But against odds I started searching for a name that fits a bird, a black one

My BlackbirdsWhere stories live. Discover now