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_ The Fourth Chapter _
~ My first boyfriend ~

When my father passed away I was very upset and after a year I got used to sunshine as if it was kiwi

School wasn't very beautiful judges were everywhere and it's really hard to have friends

My mother hadn't enough money to raise me up and life was very hard

We didn't eat cereals everyday and we didn't hangout every weekend

My friendship with my best friend wasn't this beautiful too, we didn't talk much but argued much

My mother knew nothing about our arguments
But I knew everything about her arrears

My mother was always angry and shouting with reasons and without !

I cried every night as I missed my father and I missed kiwi but I never missed my childhood

It was okay for me now

And one day I was sitting on a long bench in my school then my eye spotted a cute handsome boy from my class

He crossed many students then stood in front of me. I was happy he will talk to me but I wasn't smiling

" Hey, can I sit beside you? " He said

" Yes, of course you can " I answered

He sat down and stared at me but I stared at other students

I really wanted to look at him but I didn't
" Then, do you know me? "

" Yes, I do " I replied

" And I know you as well but I don't really know your name "

Then we talked for a long time and walked to the class together

After school I rode my bike and went home that's my way to translate by myself now !

Not my father's car which I missed and not walking with my mother happily too!

When I arrived home I saw sunshine next to the door .Maybe it was waiting for me .
I wasn't surprised actually But it wasn't usual

I entered as sunshine did too

" I am home mother " said I but I didn't shout

And my mother didn't answer..

" Mom? "

" Ok, change your clothes " She said as she was in the kitchen, as usual

I climbed the stairs to my room and I found my little pink curtains closed

I opened them and stared at my three blackbirds in the sky and sunshine was on my shoulder

The next day, I rode my bike and drove to school

At school the same classmate from yesterday came and talked to me we talked for a long time too and I was very happy

But I didn't tell my mother because, I don't think she will care

And a day after day me and this boy became friends

And I was very happy. He was very kind and handsome too

I mean beauty is really important for me.
After a month from being friends he asked me about my father

And that he had never seen him
And I told him he was dead

He was shocked then he said

" I'm really sorry "
Then I smiled quietly !

Tha next day I rode my bike and went to school as usual and I met him as usual

But he was holding something behind his back and it really brought my attention

" What's behind you " I asked curiously
" Something for you " He smiled

" Can I see it? "
" Of course you can, but close your eyes first ! "

I closed my eyes and after a while he told me to open them

When I opened my eyes and looked at him I saw him holding a beautiful red rose, he was very pleased with it

" Aww, thank you " I said taking the flower
" Did you like it? " He asked
" Yes, I did . "

" So, can I invite you for lunch after school? "
He asked

" Well,ok "

We walked to the class together and after school he followed me to my bike I rode mine and he rode his

I followed his bike with mine to a small restaurant at the end of a long street

When the door was just in front of him he opened it and streched his left hand at the doors direction

I laughed as he smiled

We entered, it wasn't a fancy restaurant but it was perfect for me

I saw sunshine at the table we sat on
I was holding the flower carefully

After sometime we ordered lunch
I ordered cooked rice and quarter of a chicken
And for me I ordered fried nuggets and salad

We ate and talked I didn't feel hours crossing while talking and laughing

I was very happy

And suddenly he frowned
" Is everything ok? " I asked

" I like you "
I was shocked but happy

" I really like you "
He broke my silence for a while

Then I suddenly found myself saying
" I like you too ! "

Both of us smiled
" I don't know how to say that ever but ,
Can I be your boyfriend ? "

" I will gladly be your girlfriend " said I

But now I realized I must tell my mother and I realized I don't want to tell her because she will be angry

Not because she will not care as I thought
But will I do now?

I was very scared I will go home and she will ask me where have I been

But I went home and she didn't care about it !

" But what will she do if she knew ? "

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