2. We're Not Strangers Anymore

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Ruby. My memory wasn't the best, specially these days that I've been drinking too much, but I couldn't forget her face, even though it's been days. There was something about her that intrigued me so much, but I had to conform myself that I would never see her again.

I was in a pub near Hakaniemi one night, it was past midnight. I just left the pub because they closed, I wasn't drunk enough, I would definitely find some other place to drink.

I was crossing the bridge near Kaisaniemi, when I saw someone sat on it, in a very dangerous way. I walked slowly, it was a girl. I couldn't see her face, her hoodie was a bit big, but I saw she was wearing red, worn out boots.

Maybe I should leave her alone. But no, I just couldn't. She was sitting dangerously, I knew she wasn't there admiring the Baltic sea at night. I just knew she had bad thoughts, but I was afraid to scare her and make her fall. She was so absorbed in her thoughts she didn't see me near her, so I tried my best not to alarm her.

"Hey, do you need help to get out of there? You look like you need it." She jumped slightly and I held her arm. It was really her, Ruby. She looked at me very alarmed, I tried to be as natural as possible, acting like she was just sitting there, casually. Her eyes were teary, and she seemed confused by my attitude. "Come, I can pull you."

I was tense, as she looked down at the sea again. It was windy, as only Helsinki can be, and I was scared she would lose balance. I was ready to use some force and pull her out of there, but at the same time I wished she did it herself. 

When she held my arm, I felt an enormous relief, and she turned her body to my direction, I helped her to get down from the bridge. I held her and she seemed embarrassed by our closeness. I pretended I didn't know what she was really doing, she looked lost and confused. "It's a bit cold, do you wanna grab a coffee or something?"

She looked up to me very slowly, sinking in the idea. She nodded so discreetly I wasn't sure if she wanted, but as I started to walk, she followed me. I wasn't sure if she had recognized me, we walked in silence and I just hoped I could find a coffee shop open at that hour.

But in the city center I could always find some place open, I motioned her to enter. She sat without taking her coat off, maybe she was very cold. "What do you want to drink, Ruby?"

When I said her name, it was like she snapped. It was like she finally saw me for real. I smiled at her, trying to be friendly. "Their hot chocolate is very good, would you like some?"

"Yes, please."

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

I didn't take my eyes off her while I waited for the beverages. She didn't move, she was looking around but not really looking at things, her gaze was lost. I wondered if she was under influence of something, I was slightly drunk and maybe my judgement was clouded, but she didn't seem alright. Well, of course she wasn't, she was about to jump off that bridge. I couldn't be sure, but I wouldn't ask her now.

"Here, this will warm you up." She held the cup, her hands were shaky. She had a tattoo that looked like a rose, coming from her wrist that reached near her thumb, on her right hand.

"Thank you, Ville."

When she said my name, I was relieved to see she remembered me. Well, I guess she wouldn't come to a coffee shop with a stranger, although we were practically strangers to each other. She looked at me quickly, before sipping the hot drink. I was feeling lucky I met her again, and taking her off that bridge, but what I would do now?

"So, it's Friday night. What are your plans for the weekend?" I hated small talk but I had to try my best. I still didn't knew anything about her.

"Nothing." She was looking at her cup.

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