11. My Poison Girl

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Alcohol was such a part of my life lately I drank without realizing I was with Eve and didn't want to screw up. But we had some drinks together, she would playfully steal my glass and vice versa, I couldn't deny it was fun, she was less shy. Sometimes she laughed louder, and I had to concentrate in not being a stupid drunk near her. But we were having a good time. We were trying to translate silly Finnish sayings and jokes to her, but sometimes we couldn't do it properly and everything was a reason to laugh. But I had the feeling Mige and Linde were with me to keep an eye on how I was behaving, and that made me feel a little bad.

"I am fine, you don't have to babysit me." I told Mige while Eve was talking to Perttu. That guy never left her side.

"Yeah, I know. I see you like her, you should see your stupid face." He laughed out loud, he too was under the influence. Linde heard and couldn't help but making a remark as well.

"You do. You really like her." Linde never said anything about those things, actually he didn't speak at all. I probably looked like a fool indeed. We all laughed.

"What do you guys think of her?"

"I like her. She seems... Not crazy. But it's early to say." Mige joked, as he didn't approve my last relationships. "She doesn't look like any other girl you've met, which is good."

"I agree with Mige. And I think she's doing you good already." When Linde said that, I wondered how he realized it. And it was true. Eve brought me an inner peace I didn't feel in a very long time. I probably had that silly expression across my face like they mentioned, and we all laughed again.

"Another joke?" Eve asked.

"Sorry dear, I'm forgetting English, you better hurry with your Finnish."

"I can give you some lessons." Perttu said and before I could reply or smash his face, Eve had the perfect answer. "Ville promised he would teach me already."

"But you could have two teachers." He insisted. "It's a difficult language."

"I have an exclusive method that forbid any other one." I told Perttu and he chuckled. I felt a bit territorial, but that kept him away.

"Exclusive method?" Eve asked when Mige and Linde took Perttu away from us.

I felt silly and laughed, feeling my whole face burn. I got closer to Eve, and the lights got lower and the music was louder, people were getting wasted and I hated to admit, but there was something sexy in that atmosphere, where nothing seemed real. I felt like everybody was using masks under the dim light, where they could be another person, free from their attachments. The room was also opulent and full of luxurious items, which helped creating the perfect atmosphere. I haven't paid attention to it before. Nobody seemed to care for the rest of the world and its problems, the happiness, the ecstasy was intoxicating. And having Eve near me like that didn't help.

She said something to me while I was distracted with my surrounds. "I'm sorry darling. It's too noisy, could you repeat that, please?" It wasn't a lie, and I got too close to her all of sudden, and she giggled. She was a bit altered by the alcohol, I could feel. Her guard was lower, so was mine. I was openly flirting with her, I was aware of that, and she didn't mind.

"Do you want to dance with me?"

Eve held my face to say those words in my ear. I was jumpy, the way she held me I was sure something else was about to happen. I let my cheek touch hers, my lips brushed it and I almost kissed her. I wanted to, but not drunk, and I quickly held her arm so I could escape the nearness of her face. "Of course, kulta. There's a problem, though."

"Which one?"

"I don't know how to dance properly."

"Me either." We stared at each other briefly before cracking a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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