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It was finally five minutes until the end of the first day of school. I was in eighth period, staring down the clock every chance I got. This period was the period I had with Britney and Chris so there was no chance I could ditch hanging with him because his eyes were drained on me. We all had Interactive Social Studies so we got to talk about classwork openly with our neighbors.

"Martin Luther King fought peacefully."

"How da fuck you gon' fight peacefully? You don't make since , Brit."

 "Christopher Brown, watch your mouth in my class. If you can't do that, then it looks like you can make a great friendship with the principal", the class got quiet. Ms. Calhoun was an older black lady. She was strict as hell, but I liked her. After Ms. Calhoun turned around, Chris flicked her off. Everybody laughed. She kept an eye on Chris with her ancient bifocals on the tip of her nose.

"You don't get it, Chris, he did fight peacefully. Since Ashley's the brains, ask her."  Chris looked at me, expecting an answer.

"She is kinda right."

"Man, fuck- I mean f y'all. You two crazy." The bell rang, finally. Chris's eyes sprung immediately to me. I looked away kind of irritated and exhausted. I didn't really wanna hang with him, he's a Wolf and I can't get over that.

"Come with me to my locker." I got up and Chris gently pulled my arm.

"I'll meet y'all ova' there." I nodded and flipped my hair walking with Britney.

"So you gonna stay after with him?"

"I guess so, nothing will happen."

"I think he might like you."

"It's the first day, girl no. And besides, he doesn't have a chance."

 "You say that now, if he doesn't like you, you're next on his list", I started laughing.

 "What list?"

 "Chelsea, Jamie, Andrea. What do you think he does to em? He mack daddy's them up and them drop em. You smart enough not to do that, I hope."

"Not even in the question. I don't like him anyway, he isn't my type."

 "Okay, here he comes." Britney nodded her head in the direction behind me. Chris was talking to some girl then he came over.

"I'll see you later, mama. Bye, Chris."

"Aight, Brit." Chris smiled and looked at me.

"So ..."

 "You wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Um, sure." I grinned. As we walked down the hallway, a lot of girls were staring at me like I killed their mother. They were so angry, but it wasn't like I was with him. Chris put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out. The ice cream shop was nearby so it wasn't a problem.

"I want a uh, vanilla cone with caramel, please?" Chris was paying. He got himself a chocolate fudge sundae. We wanted to sit down there so that's what we did.

"You good?"

"Yeah, thank you so much."

"I gotchu." We stood silent eating our ice cream, but I was curious about who Chris was.

"I wanna know more about you." Chris looked at me.


"I mean, I would wanna know the guy who took me out for ice cream, haha. Who are you?"

"Chris Brown, whatchu mean?" Chris chuckled.

 "I know that, boy. Like your likes, dislikes. Where you're from. Something."

Lost in Ya Love (Chris Brown FanFic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now