Chapter 11

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*Ariana's POV*

I bought some shoes,some clothes and makeup and met up with Liz Alexa and Eleanor at the center of Cerritos around 5 pm. At first we shopped together but we separated when we wanted to buy different things at the same time so yeah.

"Hey guys should we eat dinner together?"Eleanor asks

"Yeah sure but where?" Liz asks

"How about let's go to jack in the box?" Alexa offers

"Yeah I love their chicken strips there!" Eleanor says

"Great let's head there then, but should we take separate cars?" I ask

"How about we take my car and just leave your cars here just until before the mall closes?" Alexa offers again

"good Idea but are we allowed?" Eleanor asks

" I think but Alexa just to make sure let's just bring our cars" I say

"Yeah ok that would be better" Alexa says

"Ok let's go!"

I drove to jack in the box following Alexa while Liz and Eleanor follow me. We parked next to each other, then we went inside.

We all ate the chicken strips which were awesome and chatted for a while before we went home. When I arrived home I went to my room and changed. I went on Twitter and tweeted:

@arianagrande: had a great night with my loves :) can't wait for London with you guys in a few days x

It was already 8:42 and I decided to sleep early today

*Ariana's dream*

I was walking along the London street and spotted a cute blondie he had blue eyes and was laughing with his eight friends. Wait is that Niall? Did I just call him a cute blondie?he isn't even a blonde?

Wait I'm in London? Huh I thought my flight is still in a few days?

"Ariana!" Another blonde guy calls me

"ariana hey! We've been waiting for you where have you been?" He calls and asks then his face gets clearer and I see it was Luke hemmings

"Yeah we have been waiting for 10 minutes" appears to be calum hood said

"Huh I don't understand?" I ask how did I ever not know if I was meeting up with someone.

"H-how did I end up here?" I ask

"Ari is everything ok?" Niall asks

Then I woke up

*Ariana's POV*

It all felt soo real, I don't know what was the reason why I dreamt about Niall and the other guys but I think I might sound crazy when I say this is like a sign that I will meet them I'm London.

Ugh anyways I decided to get some water.

I got back up and went back to sleep


Sorry if it's a short one BUT there is going to be a scene in the next few chapters

Have a great day I'm posting 3 chapters today so yeah.

- danielle and angel ❤️

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