Crofter's Blood

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Patton called Logan into the kitchen, he had a surprise. As Logan arrived into the room Patton showed him what he had done.

"I made jelly thumbprint cookies!! With Crofter's!" Patton held up the tray with oven mitts over his hands. Logan stood in shock-cookies and Crofter's.. put together?! "You want one?" Patton asked after Logan hadn't said a word.
Logan nodded and Patton offered the cookie.

Logan took it from him- he could feel the warmth of it through his fingertips. Logan slowly lifted the cookie to his lips. He could smell the sweet aroma of Logan's-berry Crofter's mixed with the slight scent of flour. He took a bite and moved the delicious bread-like substance around in his mouth as he chewed before swallowing.

"P-Patton, this tastes.... great!" Logan complimented.

Patton's face lit up, "you like it, Logie?!"

Logan smiled and nodded. Patton was so happy that Logan enjoyed to cookie. He offered another one to Logan.

"Oh, I can't have another one, I've been counting my calories— don't get me wrong, I would have another but I really shouldn't."

Patton understood, he grabbed a cookie for himself to try. Logan's right, it is good! Logan instructed Patton to pack up the cookies into a container and save them for a later date. Logan also announced that anyone was permitted to eat the cookies-especially Patton since he had baked them.

Logan then sank down to his room. He went straight (gay) to his computer to log the calories from the treat into his chart. He also calculated how many cookies he could consume in the next week and still maintain his health.

A few hours later, Logan came back to the common room. He often enjoyed reading in the company of others- provided he had already read the book before. Which he had. Logan sat down on the couch and was quickly joined by Patton. Logan opened his book and started reading. Patton leaned onto Logan's shoulder.

"Whatcha readin', Logie?" He asked.

"The Great Gatsby," Logan replied.

Patton thought for a second. "Haven't you read that before?"

Logan nodded, "yes, in fact, I have read it seven times."

"Don't you ever get bored of it?" Patton wondered.

Logan shrugged in response. Patton hummed and continued to lean on Logan's shoulder.

Logan struggled with turning the next page. The papers were stuck together. Patton offered to help by reaching over and turning the page, getting a paper cut in the process. "Ouch!" Patton's finger stung. The logical side perked up suddenly. A cordial aroma danced around his nose. What was it? It was so....familiar. Where was it coming from?

Patton watched a single, small drop of blood escape from the cut.

The scent became stronger. Logan was drawn to it, whatever it was. The aching in his mouth intensified. Logan took a deep breath in an attempt to shake the feeling away.

"Logan? You okay?" Patton asked, more concerned about Logan's strange behaviour than his own bleeding finger.

Logan shook his head "y-yeah, I am f-

Patton wasn't sure, Logan was stuttering- he never stuttered.. Patton could tell that something wasn't right. Logan closed the book at set it beside him, trying to regain himself.
Patton put his hand on Logan's bare arm.. the blood from his finger transferred from skin to skin. That was the breaking point for Logan. He could smell the Crofter's rich blood in the moral trait from the cookies he had eaten earlier. He winced as the fangs grew from his gums and quickly lunged at Patton, knocking both of them off of the couch and to the ground. Patton squeaked on impact. Logan's fangs had fully formed and he bit into Patton's neck.

"LoGaN?!" Patton shrieked. Logan was on top of him and drinking the blood from his neck.

Logan wasn't himself—Patton's adjuring was blocked out. All he could think about was how good the blood tasted. It was sweet like Crofter's and a bit salty, similar to tears. Logan craved it—he kept drinking even as Patton tried to push him off.

"Lo-gan! You're h-hurting me!!" Patton whimpered.

Patton's pleads finally reached Logan.. he slowed his drinking. The blood wasn't as sweet anymore—

The moral trait felt dizzy, he was weak and unable to fight Logan back. He made one last plea: "p-please! L-Logan! s-stop!"

Logan realized what he had done—the fangs retracted, Logan curled in on himself before looking up at the almost lifeless Patton. "Shit!" Logan cursed.

Patton was unconscious.

Logan would punish himself for this later, right now he needed to help Patton, "Patton!!?? Patton can you hear me?!" Logan lightly slapped the unconscious Patton's face, desperately trying to wake him. Logan leaned over him to make sure he was still breathing....he was. Logan let out a sigh of relief. But Patton was still unconscious..

"Patton, please!!" Logan shouted.

He stirred, starting to wake up. Patton's hearing was muffled, his sight was blurred.

"Pat!! Can you hear me!! Please respond!!" Logan was yelling.

Patton groaned, he was dizzy.

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