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TW: throw(ing) up, mpreg, food/eating

Patton shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He leaned over the toilet and vomited into it. After he felt he was done throwing up, he leaned against the bathtub with a sigh. The male slowly got up to a standing position and washed his mouth out with water before brushing his teeth.

Patton walked back to his bedroom in the light sides mind palace. He looked over to see Logan sitting on the couch, Patton hadn't noticed him the first time he passed by.

"Oh.. Logan. Hi, what are you doing up?" He wondered.

"I failed to fall asleep and decided to come in here to read a bit" the other male explained. "I would ask you the same question if I didn't just hear you vomiting. Are you alright?"

Patton nodded and wiped a bit of toothpaste from his lips, "I'm fine.. I guess I must've ate something that didn't agree with me" he shrugged.

That seemed a sufficient answer to Logan as he nodded and went back to reading his novel. Patton walked down the hallway back to his room to lay down, hopefully he would fall back asleep.

When Patton continued to feel sick during the next few weeks, he, and the other sides grew concerned. It had been about three months since the moral side travelled to the dark sides mind palace for some.. fun with Janus. Though he didn't tell anyone that. Logan presumed the other male had some sort of flu and insisted that he rest. Which he did, Patton didn't do much for a while, he constantly felt sick, nauseated, and dizzy. Though his absence from videos didn't affect Thomas, the moral trait's powers were strong and the thirteen year old host was acting just the same as always.

The only time Patton seemed to exit his room was to get food. While Roman was watching a Disney show on the living room couch, Patton walked by and got out the jar of pickles from the refrigerator and some crisps from a cabinet. He put both on a plate and sat down on the other side of the couch from the princely trait.

Roman looked over at him, "gross! Is that what you're eating?"

Patton nodded and took a bite of pickle, "yep!"

"I thought you didn't like pickles-?" Roman pointed out.

Patton shrugged and ate a crisp, "I do now"

Roman didn't think much of it, though it was a bit odd. He turned his attention back to the television and continued watching his show.

When Patton finished his plate, he got up to get more as he was still feeling hungry. Though this time he put sour cream on the pickles and left out the crisps.

Roman chuckled as he watched him, "you are so weird!"

Patton shrugged again, "it's good, you should try it!" He held out the plate to the other side who shook his head and replied with a 'no way.' "Suit yourself" Patton replied as he licked the sour cream and put the pickle into his mouth.

One morning, when Patton was feeling better and not so sick all the time he put on his usual light blue polo and grabbed his cardigan.. glancing in the mirror to see a small baby bump. The male sighed and rubbed it "guess I'm not wearing this" he took the shirt off and put on some baggy clothes, not wanting he other sides to know about his pregnancy.

Patton didn't know what he would do if any of the other sides knew.. what would they say? What would they think? He couldn't risk them finding out. Patton would keep this to himself.. or at least try to.

Logan, sitting on the couch in the living room watched Patton walk by with his baggy clothes, he didn't think much of it considering the male had been feeling quite sick lately, though they all thought he was getting better.

"How are you feeling, Morality?" Logan asked him.

Patton shrugged, "fine-I feel better today" he admitted, getting himself another odd snack.

"That's good" Logan nodded and went back to the book he was reading.

Months passed and Patton began worrying about the end of this journey and the start of the next one. How was he going to have a kid? That was a lot of responsibility.. and babies are loud- and labour is loud, depending on your pain tolerance which Patton swore he didn't even have a tolerance for any pain.

Patton soon realised he couldn't do this alone. He put on the biggest t-shirt he owned and sank down into the dark side's mind palace. The moral side instantly felt a shiver down his spine being back here again. He looked around the dark room and saw Deceit putting one of his snakes back into its habitat.

"Hello, dear" Janus said without even turning around to see who it was.

"Uhm.. hi" Patton said.

"What brings you here, Patton?" The snake side asked as he finally turned around to face his previous lover.

"I.. n-need to tell you something" Patton said, playing with his hands uncomfortably.

Deceit stood there waiting for him to say it, "snake got your tongue?" He asked when Patton still didn't reply.

Patton bit his lip and looked down, his baggy shirt covering his baby bump. The male took a deep breath, "remember a couple months ago when we Uhh, well- you know. I uhh- now I'm.... I'm pregnant" he finally spat out.

Janus blinked, "y-you're what?"

"....Surprise....?" Patton added as he put his hand under his belly to show the bump under his shirt.

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