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Major TW: attempt at su!c!de, depression, abuse, cursing, death mentions, accidental murdering

Roman had a pretty good day despite it being a Monday. He sat at the popular kids' table at lunch as usual, he jerked off in a couple of classes and got off easy because even the teachers liked him, he had rehearsal after class for the school's musical- Roman got the lead of course.

When he got home from school later that day he felt off for some reason. Something wasn't right but he wasn't sure what. Roman decided to go out on a walk to try to calm his nerves. It was dark out but he knew how to get to school in the dark because he walked there every morning long before classes started.

So that's where he walked. Roman ended up at the front of the school building, he looked up at the sky and the stars but something caught his eye.

Roman looked over at the roof and saw.. a person up there, standing on the edge- on the other side of the bar.

He gasped and used his diaphragm to yell up there, "Wait!!"

The person leaned back and held onto the bar.

"Hold on!! I'm coming up!!" Roman called.

Roman found a door unlocked on the side of the building, probably the one that kid had used to her up there. He ran inside and up the stairwell to the roof.

"Please don't jump!" He said, panting from how fast he sprinted up there, slowly coming closer to the other person.

As usual, Virgil ate lunch at a table by himself. It was a round wooden table, probably as old as the school. It had writing all over it, phone numbers, conversations between passers by. The table looked like it could fall apart at any moment.

He got in trouble during class when he zoned out thinking about.. some things. So Virgil had a detention after class. He passed Roman in the hallway going to the detention room, or the prison as some people called it. Virgil assumed Roman and his buddies he was walking with were headed to play rehearsal.

Virgil watched Roman stare at him as they moved past each other in the large hallway. He pulled up his hoodie to cover his face, the old bruise around his eye was still slightly visible.

After detention, Virgil walked home, it was late in the day and his parents would have expected him home long ago. They would be pissed to hear he got detention.. again.

He was right, when Virgil walked through the door his drunken parents on the couch got up and walked over to him asking where the hell he had been.

Virgil flinched and explained that he had gotten detention because he wasn't paying attention in class.

"How d~do you expect to get a job if you can't pay a~attention in school?" Virgil's dad shouted at him.

"I can still get a job, I've been applying places and-"

"Don't talk back to y~your father!" His mother yelled as she opened another beer.

"I'm sorry" Virgil said, looking down.

"Don't mumble! ~And look at us when you're talking!" His dad insisted.

"I'm sorry" Virgil said louder, looking up at his parents in the eyes. Both were bloodshot.

"Hey! None of that attitude! Just go up to your room and get your homework done! We're leaving for Vegas again tomorrow, we'll see you next week" Virgil's mother explained to her so-called son.

Virgil nodded and went upstairs to his room with a sigh. Of course they were leaving again but this time, Virgil thought, he wouldn't be here when they got back.

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