Finale!? (1/2)

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General POV

All hell broke loose. Everyone was engaged in combat while Cinder, Raven, and Vernal disappeared into the vault of the relic. Weiss got shot and was reaching critical condition so Jaune and the rest had to cover her while she's being healed. Meanwhile, Qrow, Oscar, (y/n) and Yang were engaged in combat.

(y/n): "C'mon Yang! She's right there! What are you doing?!"

(y/n) held his staff and turned it into its ranged form, revealing along hand cannon barrel. He laid down cover fire as best as he could, not seeing if there was anything in between his target and himself heavily lowered his effectiveness.

(y/n): "I hate being blind... Yang!"

Yang: "Just let me finish this"

However, meanwhile, Yang was getting tunnel vision from seeing her mother in front of her thanks to the enemy's semblance.

(y/n): "Finish what!? She's right there!"

Yang: "I'll handle Raven first-"

(y/n): "She's not there! If you want to get to her, you need to get pass these bad guys"

Yang: "What?"

(y/n): "There's nothing there Yang!"

The moment he said that, (y/n) noticed a sudden flare of aura from one of the aggressor signaling to him an attack. He had only barely managed to raise his hand and form a malformed glyph to block the flying bullet.

Yang jumped back nearer to (y/n), her arms still poised to strike.

Yang: "Shit. You point, I'll punch"

(y/n): "That's easy, over there!"

As Yang relentlessly fired shot after shot, (y/n) could see Weiss starting to stabilize. Slowly, things were moving towards their favor. With Weiss' recovery, Nora was able to join the fight against Hazel and Ruby came in to help her sister until...

(y/n): "Yang, we've got more incoming..."

Yang: "What'd you mean?"

(y/n): "There's a lot of people gathering outside"

Yang: "Enemies?"

(y/n): "I can't tell. Wishful thinking, no"

Ruby: "Let's end this!"

(y/n): "Let's just get the objectives, get down there and get that relic before they do"

Yang: "Whoever finds an opening first goes in, the others will cover"

(y/n): "Cool, when you're down there, just time it when this Maiden opens it and just snatch it"

However, as they were speaking, the noise outside had begun to spill within the hall. The sound of an aircraft hovering, people shouting and murmuring were slowly getting louder.

(y/n): "Guess we also have backup..."

Riding on the momentum of the sudden shift of tides of war, Nora joined the battle and (y/n) could barely recognize her soul. What he once saw as a bright sunny sky had now turned gray and dark, it was like a storm inside a woman...

She gripped her mighty hammer tightly with both of her hands, her knees bent firmly and both her feet planted itself firmly on the ground. As her large target ran near her, she swung Magnhild with all her might upon the broad chest of the giant of a man she was fighting against. Like lightning, he flew through the room in a surprising speed and broke its wall. Like thunder, the wind snapped along with his bones...

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