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Forming was painful. Every part of him piecing himself together, filling him with feelings he didn't understand, nor did he want. His body coming together - something from nothing - creating something on its own accord.

He didn't know how long it took, or where he was, or. . . well, anything, really. Then thoughts started to flood his head, as if making up for the silence. He was afraid - so many things could be wrong, could go wrong. Bad things were poised to strike and danger lurked around every corner.

You are Virgil. Aspect. . . Paranoia. You exist to protect your Host, Thomas Sanders, and keep him vigilantly aware of any and all possible threats.

Yes, that seemed right. Or, at least, as right as it seemed anything was going to get. His body was buzzing with unease as he forced himself to his feet, looking around. Hair fell in front of his eyes and he left it, hugging his black hoodie closer, relishing in its comfort.

All around him was nothing but rolling grey fog and empty black. He was both soothed and unnerved by the nothing, torn between his conflicting emotions.

He didn't know how long he had wandered around aimlessly in the Nothing. It could have been minutes. . . It could have been hours, or even a day. Time had no construct, much like his own thoughts. He had almost grown used to it; being alone. The isolation seeped into him, clinging lightly to his chest to compact a sort of loneliness, but his mind reminded him cautiously that he couldn't be hurt by people if they didn't exist.

That's when He arrived.

He was. . . persuasive - obviously older than the newly-formed aspect. Virgil found it difficult to look away from His face from the moment He appeared.

"What are you doing all the way out here, little one?"

His voice was smooth, slipping past His lips like sweet honey and drawing Virgil in, despite the warnings in his head that danger was present.

"What's your name?"

Virgil noticed the slight hiss that held to the ends of His 's', which he supposed matched with the scales that patterned down the side of His face, as well as the yellow, slitted eyes that peered just a little too closely.

Stupidly, however, he gave the stranger his name. ". . . Virgil. . ."

The stranger's lips curled into a slight sneer, His snake-eye pulsing slightly in what Virgil could only guess was distaste.

"Not your 'name' name! Your aspect. What do you represent?"

Virgil blushed. Of course. Why would he think the man wanted his real name? "O-Oh. . . Paranoia, then."

He waited for a sort of reaction. The stranger blinked once, twice, seemingly debated something in His mind. The extended silence made Virgil uneasy. Finally, He spoke.

"Then I would suppose you belong with us. I can tell this is going to be 'fun' and not at all annoying. Come along, Paranoia."

Why didn't Virgil focus on the strange emphasis? The heavier hiss? The way His eyes flickered at the admission of his aspect?

Why did he follow?

"S-So, um. . . what's your name?"

The stranger didn't face him, nor did He slow His stride. "Deceit."

". . .oh." Virgil felt his heart pound and his started to wonder if maybe the screaming thoughts in his head were right in warning him to get away. ". . . do you have a real name?"

That drew a reaction.

Deceit stopped in His tracks before spinning around, leaning close to Virgil's face with a sneer. "Listen to me very closely, Paranoia. My name is Deceit. Your name is Paranoia. That is all you are, and the sooner you learn to accept that, the sooner you will understand how existence works. Do I make myself clear?"

Shrinking back, Virgil nodded fearfully. Deceit seemed satisfied, turning back around to continue walking. Virgil had half a mind to flee then, but he didn't want to anger the older aspect any more than he had already.

Silently, he vowed to not speak his name aloud anymore. 

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