{ Chapter 1 }

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Today was the day. The day that all the legends would go to the training camp, and pick a special person to be the next legend.

Wattson was the newest, and you knew quite a bit about her. You couldn't imagine how amazing it would be to meet the girl herself...but today was that day it would happen.

{ Time Skip }

The legends had arrived, waiting in a special lobby for all the contestants to be there. You were one of them. There were three of you, including Maxwell and Amanda. They were rather rude people despite how nice they acted in front of "High league intellectuals."

The three of you lined up in front of the legends, you in the middle.

"Alright." Bloodhound spoke up, "You three are in a very lucky position. Your names are useless until you prove yourself. You will be in a specialized training arena, where you will be battling. Whom ever wins, will become an apex legend. It seems easy, yes, but remember, you three know each other's abilities, which can be used to your advantage. Good luck."

With that, the three of you made it to the arena, the legends spectating. You were nervous, the adrenaline pumping in your veins.

It has begun. You started running around the training area, looking for decent loot. You knew that you wouldn't die, but you would be respawned, so that's good. It doesn't mean you won't fight your hardest though.

After running all throughout the building, you managed to find a prowler, and a level 2 body shield.

'Not my preference, but it will have to do.' You thought.

You thought you were safe for now, until you heard footsteps behind you. It's lucky you heard them, either wise you would have been ended by Amanda's R-99. You ran to get a better position, and then started firing. You managed to take her down rather easily.

Not even a second after you finished healing up, had Maxwell started firing at you. You started firing back, but realized you ran out of ammo.

'Shit!' You quickly thought, before running. He chased after you. You got cornered, and he held his Havoc up to you. You were about 7 feet apart.

"Any last words before I become a new apex legend?" He teased.

You thought you lost it all. All your hopes and dreams. The one thing you've trained for, for almost all your life...until.. 'Ding!'

Your ultimate was ready. You suddenly got hope.

"Yes actually," you spoke.

You activated your ultimate as he started firing at you. You managed to dodge all the bullets, and kicked him to the ground, taking his weapon. You held it up to his head.

"It was an honor fighting with you. I hate to end it this way, but it must be done." You ended him. You won. You let out a sigh of relief.

{Caustics POV}

'Interesting...she managed to defeat the two of them, despite being in a terrible condition..'

'interesting..' he thought.

{Time Skip}

Bloodhound had walked up to you, along with the other legends. You felt intimidated, not only because they were very famous, but also because you were rather short.

"Very good. I welcome you to the team. Now, what is your name, and what will you go by in the games?"

"My full name is Aurora Bright. I go by Tumbler, due to my acrobatics and flexibility. It's an honor."

Bloodhound shook your hand. You felt accepted. You realized that you finally accomplished your dream, and you were proud of yourself.

{Time Skip}

After meeting all the legends except one, you knew the last legend was one not to be messed with. You feared him, knowing he could kill you at any point in time.

It was Caustic, a man known as a sociopath, and an amazing chemist. You weren't prepared for meeting him, and you didn't want to at that, but you decided to be respectful, considering his been in the games a long time.

You finally managed to get courage and introduce yourself to him. You walked up to him.

"Hello, I'm Au-" he cut you off.

"I know who you are, no need for an introduction. You obviously have some idea of who I am." He crossed his arms, turning away from you. You decided to just walk back to the other group, and carry on from there.

Bloodhound explained to you that everyone had their own "dorm" to stay in. It would be a bit of a flight there. Luckily, the dropships were quick, so it wouldn't be more than an hour.

{After the flight}

You were shown to your dorm, and unpacked. You were told to get rest, because you would start more complex training tomorrow.

You got changed, and laid down in your new bed. It felt amazing to finally be a legend. Soon, the whole world would know your name.

You slowly, but surely, fell asleep....

(Hello! I managed to write this all today, and this is just a tiny bit of what I have planned! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of my remake!)

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