{ Chapter 4 }

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"Wake up." You heard someone call sternly. You remembered that Caustic was with you, and you immediately woke.

When you sat up, you had MAJOR fatigue. You felt sick, sniffled, and coughed. Your body was cold. Perhaps this is why you were cold last night.

"I-I'm sorry C-Caustic...I don't f-feel too good..."

He grumbled a bit, and walked over to you as you sat on the edge of the bed. It was clear he was awake way before you were.

"I don't have a thermometer with me, so I'm going to have to resort to doing this." He kissed your forehead. Despite the only reason of him doing that was to check your temperature, you got flustered.

"It's clear you have a fever. I'm going to have you lay back down. I apologize for waking you."

"O-Ok.." you lied back down, and cuddled with the blankets, hoping for warmth. He started walking out the door, but you had something to say.


He paused, holding the door knob and looked back at you.


"C-Can you..."

"Can I What, Aurora?"

"Can you stay with m-me..?"

He gave you a strange look. You didn't know what he was thinking either.

"I'm going to grab some coffee, and get you some medicine. I'll return soon."

He left the room. You felt a sudden darkness come over you. You never liked being alone. Even if he wasn't going to be gone that long, you still felt unsafe.

Of course though, it only took him about 5 minutes. He walked back in, and set the coffee on the side table next to the bed. He held the medicine in his hand.

"Come here."


You sat on the edge of the bed again, the cold air colliding with your skin.

"Ok, it's a liquid, so if your throat is hurting, it shouldn't bother you."

He held you the bottle. You drank it, and..this was the NASTIEST thing you have ever tasted. You made a disgusted face, which made him produce a low chuckle.

"I see your enjoying it." He chuckled some more.

"..Its so..*gag* so n-nasty..."

"That means it will be more effective. Anyway, scoot over."

He sat on the bed, resting his back on the pillows so he could read some documents while Drinking his coffee. You couldn't help but to lay into his side, warmth instantly coming back to your body. He wrapped his free arm around you, still holding his coffee.

"You're such a child..."

You ignored his comment.

"Can't y-you just lay back down with m-me..?"


He put his coffee and the documents down, then lied towards you. You cuddled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.

"There, happy now?" He seemed annoyed, but you knew he was happy too.

".....mhm.." you were slowly falling back asleep.

"There you go. Drift off into the land of peace.." Caustic said quietly.

Within 5 seconds, you were out.

{ Think of a really bad nightmare to put here, if I like a comment you add for it I'll write it ;) }

You woke up with a sudden yelp, tears daring to come down your face. Caustic sat up.

"What In the name of hell is your proble-" he stopped when he saw you crying.

"Aurora?" You couldn't answer him. You were so focused on your nightmare, you just..couldn't.

He made you sit up, then wrapped his arms around you. He wasn't used to giving other people comfort, but he knew you needed it.

"What happened?" He asked with a very gentle tone.

You explained everything. You didn't know how long you were talking for. In the process of you talking, he kept rubbing your back. You haven't had support like that in a while.

Eventually, you lied back down, curling up next to him, slowly drifting back off to sleep....


Hi there! I apologized for this chapter being a bit shorter than the others, but I have some things to say!

• THANK YOU for reading this book!

• All chapters are still under editing.

Now for my question...

Anyone ready for smut? I plan on doing it the next chapter. Too early? Maybe. But I'm doin it anyway.

See ya next chapter!

She's...Different.. (Caustic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now