Another, A/n

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Hi there. I'm sorry I've been gone, and weather you believe my reason or not, is okay.

There's been a lot going on, and I just got so depressed that I needed to take my pain out on I cut myself.

I'm getting the help I need, and will be recovering soon. I'm sorry to say this, but until I'm more comfortable with everything this book will end here. It will continue, just not for a very long time. I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for a chapter, and is now ending up with this A/n. I apologize.

However, if you don't have anyone to play apex with, feel free to invite me to an Xbox party, I'll be on this game a lot..gamertag is QueenWendigo.

Again, I'm sorry, I hope you understand. Thanks for your support on this book...

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