{ Chapter 3 }

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As you sat on your bed, reading after your hard training, you heard another knock on the door. You opened it, to see Caustic again.

"Evening. Mind if we have a chat?"
You nodded, and motioned him to come inside.

"Is something wrong, Caustic?"

"You know, you confuse me. You seem..different. So here's my offer to you, you do as I say, for my experiment, or I'll force you to do it."

"What 'experiment' do you refer to?"

"I figured this question would be encountered eventually. I have this strange, unusual feeling about you. I need to figure out what's causing it, so I need you to do exactly as I say. Is that understood?"

You didn't know how to reply. You didn't want to do it, and you were going to make that clear.

"I'm not doing it, who knows what I'm getting myself into."

"...so you cry when I tell you I don't want to associate with you, and now that I'm finally allowing myself to be around you, you refuse? Well then, your choice is clear..apparently I'm going to have to use force..." he grabs your hand. Not in a nice way either. He grips it so hard your afraid it might break. He pulls you out of your room, and into his.

"I believe I know what's causing my feelings, and if I'm correct, it's affecting you too..."

"I-I don't know w-what you mean.."

For some reason, a small blush appeared on your face. From what he was saying, you knew it was true. Despite his rude demeanor, you kind of liked him..but, hell, you were afraid off of your mind.

With his hand latching onto yours, he pulled you closer to his chest. You instantly began to heat up.

He sat down, forcing you to sit on his lap. It was uncomfortable, but for some reason, didn't bother you as much as you thought it would.

"Let's begin with the first test, shall we?"

"What t-test..what are you going to d-do to m-me..?"

He let out a chuckle. He rotated your body around until you were facing each other. You blushed even more when both of your faces were inches away. The red on your cheeks was noticeable.

"I see...you seem..like you enjoy looking at me...is it because we're close?"

He was waiting for a response from you. You couldn't muster anything, and he smirked a little bit, knowing he had every advantage over you.

"Let's begin the testing. I'd like for you to..kiss me...."

"W-What..? I can't d-do that!"

"Oh, but you can, and according to how you're reacting to me just being close to you, you obviously like it."

In a way, he was correct. There was only one reason why you didn't want to do it..

"So why are you so oblivious to do it?"

You spoke out, speaking a little louder this time, "I've never k-kissed anyone before, okay..?!"

His smirk grew into an evil smile. He seemed excited that you said that.

"Fascinating.. well then, I'll take it from here.."

"W-Wai-" he pressed his lips on yours. You had a bit of a shock in your body when it happened. He bit your bottom lip, forcing you to open your mouth and allow him entrance.

You very quickly melted into the kiss, enjoying it to a perspective. He finished the kiss, with you panting.

"Marvelous..you did seem to enjoy that....and now I'm having that feeling again..I suppose my hypothesis was correct..." he stopped to make you look at him. "We are simply in love."

You were shocked..he's a sociopath! Who knows what he could do to you! He could hurt you, break your bones..kill you for all he cared! You've never even been in a relationship before! All those thoughts were rushing in your head...

"I-I..." you had no words.

"So it is settled then. You will be staying with me from now on, and no matter what I tell you to do, you will obey it. If you don't, there will be punishment."


You didn't want to die, nor get hurt, so you listened to him.

You were still on his lap. He gently picked you up, and placed you on his bed. He walked to the other side, and lied down next to you.

"Come here. Now."

You did as he said, scared off your mind. Your back lied against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Now then, do you have any questions, while I'm in a.. comfortable situation?"

"What is e-everyone else g-going to think of t-this?"

"It does not matter what they think, understood, Aurora?"

He used your real name.. you were still curious about his, though.

"Ok..u-uhm...what's your n-name..?"

"That I will not share until I'm ready. We still have a lot of trust to gain with each other. However, I believe that in time, you will know."

You made a simple 'mhm.' You were very tired. You rolled over to the point your face was on his chest. You cuddled into him, being very cold.

"So you do enjoy it?"

"B-Be quiet.." you spoke. You didn't like it when others were right. Especially Caustic, because now he was basically controlling you.

"Sleep, Aurora. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

She's...Different.. (Caustic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now