{ Chapter 2 }

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You woke up very early. It was around 4:30 am, the usual for you. At the training camp, you had to wake up even earlier, and train all day. You picked up your glasses from the coffee table beside your bed, and decided to go to the kitchen and living room area.

You quietly walked out your door, noticing all the other doors around you, with all the legends. You still couldn't believe you were here.

You finished walking down the corridor, and eventually you made it to the kitchen. You noticed someone was there, and tried to walk away silently, but they noticed you.

"Don't try to hide..it doesn't work."
They spoke, with a deep, and stern tone. You instantly knew who's voice it was.

"Why are you awake at such an hour?"
You tried to stay quiet, but they spoke a bit louder.
"Speak." They demanded. You gave in and walked up to the giant of a man. Caustic looked at you with an annoyed, and sorta-angry face.

"I'm sorry for bothering you," you began to speak, "It's just I'm so used to waking up early for training, that it's kinda a habit now."

You looked at the ground, crossing your arms, just doing anything to not make eye contact with him.

The intimidation was so high, he was strong, and tall, you were short, and mellow.

He let out a deep sigh. "Look at me." You didn't move nor say anything. "If I ask you again, you're not going to enjoy the consequences."

As much as you didn't want to, you did, because you didn't want anything to happen to you. You didn't look directly at him, but you were close enough that he put his hand under your chin, and made you look directly in his eyes.

"I do not care what you do, I do not care what you say, but understand that if you get in my way, you won't enjoy anything. Is that understood?" You didn't know what was taking over you, but you couldn't help but start to shed tears.

He looked at you, and something In his eyes changed. He let go of your chin, and turned away from you.

"I hope you got the messa-" you ran back to your room, and didn't let him finish. You jumped on your bed, holding a pillow. You've never felt so scared, ever.

{Caustics POV}

What is her problem? I simply state that I do not want to associate with her, and she simply starts crying.

For some reason, however, I felt something I've never felt in any of my years of existence. I can't describe it, but I suppose I felt...pity..

Despite that, my mind is telling me to apologize, so I might as well listen to it.

{Your POV}

You continued crying. You hear slow, heavy footsteps come down the hallway, and then a knock on your door. You jumped at it, afraid to answer.

You walked to it anyway, Caustic looming over you with his arms crossed. Fear ran through your body, until he spoke.

"You have my apologies, but I hope I made my point clear. Let's start over, shall we?" You nodded, tears still running down your eyes. He held out his hand.

"I'm Caustic, it's a pleasure." You took his hand, immediately noticing his strong grip.
"And you are?"

"A-Aurora..." he let out a sigh.

"Am I that intimidating?"

"Y-Yes..I apologize, but it's true..."

"I see. Well I'll leave your presence now." He began walking away, but you noticed he stopped for a second. He turned his head towards you.

"Sorry." He walks off.

You slowly close the door, not understanding why he apologized. You quickly brushed it off, and decided to lay back down for a few more hours, knowing that it was the weekend, and you could rest a bit longer. You kept the fact that you needed to train in mind.

{Time Skip}

You woke up again around 8:00 am, and began getting ready for the day. You put your hair up into a ponytail, and put your suit on. You cleaned your glasses, and did the rest of your routine.

You walked out of your bedroom, and to the kitchen again, this time, to see more familiar faces.

Mirage instantly came up to you, attempting to flirt. "Well good mornin', beautiful~" you thought it was cute, but didn't really think much of it. "First of all, I'm not THAT pretty to the point you could call
Me beautiful, secondly, morning to you too." You walked more towards the kitchen, and made a cup of tea to keep you awake.

Eventually, everyone else was there and ready, except for Caustic. For some reason, the event that happened earlier was still in the back of your mind.

Bloodhound walked up to you. "Hello there, Tumbler. Do you think you could find Caustic for us? We need to begin your training, and out of all people, I believe he would like to spectate." You really didn't want to, but you were a very respectful person, and did everything to mostly please everyone else. "Of course, Bloodhound. Could you make another cup of tea for me while I'm gone?"

"Of course."

With that, you were off to find Caustic. You walked down the corridor, and up to his room. You knocked on the door, but there was no response. You didn't really know where else to look, due to you being new, and not knowing HQ that well. As you started walking away, the door opened, and he came out, and shut the door. He was equipped with all his gear.

"Yes, yes, I know. Training. Let's go."

He followed you down the corridor again, and the the dining area. Bloodhound came up to you with your tea, and you thanked them kindly. You sat down, and began drinking it, waiting for training.

{Time Skip to after training, because I don't exactly know what to write for this.}

You were EXHAUSTED. Your breathing was shaky, and all your joints were sore. However, you'd be able to be in the games on Monday. (Currently Saturday.) you decided to take a shower, and sit on your bed and read.

{Caustics POV}

She did rather well. I'm honestly surprised, considering she's new. Despite that, I still have many questions for that feeling I had earlier. Maybe if I interact with her more, I suppose i would understand those feelings.

I wish I could understand. Just...maybe..

One thing is for certain, however..


(This is where the story starts to change completely. I'm not going to spoil the story, but long story short, this book will become for more mature audiences. I'm talking like smut, foul language, etc, etc. it's not going to happen instantly; the story will have to continue first. But be ready for it, if your still with me, there's no going back now. Enjoy~!)

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