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It was an old bar, with deep rich wood and classic green pool tables. The smell of smoke from the past still lingered in the air. It may be a little run down but it was their favorite, especially Chanyeol's. The bar was their go to place for cheap liquor and a good time while in the company's version of "boot camp". It's where they would go to unwind after getting mentally fucked with during interrogation  training or kicked and punched until their body was covered in busies.

Chanyeol walked through its doors, it was like walking into the past for a second, when he was under the age of 25 and life hadn't hit him in the face.

"Here's to you making the company love and hate you at the same time, yet again." Junmyeon cheered, raising his drink into the hair.

"You know me so well, Boss Man."

"I know you aren't going to listen but please don't bother Chaeyoung too much. There is a reason I paired you two up, I'm positive you'll become my best team." Junmyeon took a drink of his whiskey and hissed at the taste.

"That reminds me, what's her deal?" Chanyeol leaned onto his elbows on the table, "She's like this feisty little chipmunk, I'm super into it."

Junmyeon shook his head in disbelief, "Did you not hear what I just said?"

"So you are telling me that if that fine little thing changes her mind and begs me to bed her, I'm just suppose to say no for your sake?" Chanyeol mapped out. Junmyeon raised his thick eyebrows and nodded, settling his lips into a line.

"Ha! Yeah right, not happening." Chanyeol cried out with sarcasm.

"Remind me why I let you come back?" Junmyeon sighed, his tone made Chanyeol believe a part of his regretted hiring him back on full time

Chanyeol smirked and brought his drink to his lips, "Because I'm good. I'm your Ace."

"Unfortunately," Junmyeon gave up, "How is your dad?"

"He's tugging along just like the rest of us, but I'd rather not talk about that." Chanyeol cleared his throat and answered shortly. His family life wasn't something he liked to talk about, even with a close friend like Junmyeon who knew about the situation. Now that he was back, he wanted to be back and come out of the gates swinging. The last two years hadn't been great and it was hard enough being away from the job he was good at, great at even but the reason he had to be away wasn't a good topic of conversation.

"What's going on with you and Jisoo? I thought things were strong." Chanyeol changed the subject.

Junmyeon sighed and swirled his drink around, "Being in this business, it's hard to think of a future and she wants that. I can't just, walk away from from this job as easily as she wants me to. It's my baby."

"Woah woah woah, are we hitting sad hours? I didn't realize it would be that deep." Chanyeol scoffed. "I thought it would be that you smacked her ass too hard in bed or something."

"You're such an asshole." Junmyeon chuckled. Chanyeol had always been this way around him, it's wasn't new. Junmyeon knew that feelings weren't exactly his forte, and even then the feelings were well reserved for only certain people, Chanyeol's family.

Chanyeol cracked opened the bar peanuts and popped them in his mouth, "So when are you throwing me and my new little miss out into the field?"

"You've been back for less than a day. See how training goes tomorrow and then we can talk."

"You and I both know I'm not as rusty as everyone thinks I am. I haven't even been away, just hidden." Chanyeol smiled cheekily.

"But that's different than being in the thick of it all. You've been out for 2 years and ever since the last mission... I'm just a little wary." Junmyeon suddenly turned serious, into the head of the company he was.

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