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"We are literally in one of the fashion capitals of the world and yet you can't find a dress?"

Chanyeol would never understand woman for this very reason. Chaeyoung was shopping in a fashion capital, with a company card and unlimited options yet here they were, still walking in and out of every store.

They had landed in Milan, checking into their hotel and immediately went out to look for their evening to come outfits. A charming, fitting tux for Chanyeol was easy to find, that mission had been completely within the first hour of their endeavor.

Yet hours later, they were still looking around for her.

"I need to find a dress that fits my cover and our plan. A dress that screams 'I'm an innocent woman married to a rich Korean American business man but I'm bored, so let me flirt with you'." His partner envisioned, causing Chanyeol to roll his eyes. Chaeyoung lingered at the window of another designer store before entering.

Chanyeol followed her in, "That's quiet a message to convey. Though, I'm a little heartbroken that you would thinking being married to me would be boring."

"First of all, we are playing a role." She began, searching through rack of dresses that Chanyeol swore he had seen at all the previous other stores. "Second of all, I don't want to think about actually being married to you."

"I'm starving. Can't you just pick something so we can go eat?" Chanyeol whined and pulled a random dress from the rack. "What about this one?"

Chaeyoung glanced over quickly, her eyes darting over the dress. "Nope. Not sexy enough." She shook her head. He brought both his larger hands to rub over his face dramatically and grumbled into them. All he wanted was food in his stomach and a little nap before the Gala.

"Chaeyoung, you could wear a plastic bag and still be the hottest person in the room. Well, after me of course." Chanyeol noted.

She turned her head sharply, scowling at him. "I thought we agreed to no more flirting?"

"Oh so it's flirting now?" He teased with a smirk. Since his little stunt on the plane, pulling her close and mentioning the mile high club, she had been on high alert with Chanyeol's comments. But what surprised him was her not calling sexual harassment like she usually did.

"Either one. No. More. Park." Chaeyoung replied bitterly.

"You could just take my compliment." He smiled as he watched her sift through the fabrics, pursing her lips.

Chaeyoung laughed sarcastically, "No I can't, because the minute I do, you are going to think I'm giving into you."

"Sweetheart, if you were giving into me, your thighs would be in my grasp with your hands in my hair and my lips attached to your-"

"Stop talking." Chaeyoung seethed, cutting off his own daydream words. Chanyeol was surprised she even allowed him to say as much as he did.

The wheels in his head were turning, calculating his next response when a figure caught his eye outside the store window, watching. When Chanyeol turned his head towards the window, the man turned quickly   and started walking away. Chanyeol could barely see the persons face due to the hat covering most of their profile but he could tell it was a man, even with the smaller, skinnier build. He wasn't sure why, but he knew he knew that person. There was a familiarity Chanyeol could feel, even through the glass window of the store.

"I'll be right back."

Chanyeol was already out the store entrance by the time Chaeyoung turned around and called out to him, asking where he was going.

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