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"What's wrong with you?" Asked Josh, turning around in his seat in Geography to face Oli. Oliver wore a sour look on his face, mixed with the look of a puppy who had just had his tail stood on. He had been in a bad mood since Elissa walked away from him this morning.

At break time he tried to talk to her in the corridor but she just ignored him and he wasn't even sure what he had done wrong.

"Your sisters ignoring me." He replied glumly. Him and Elissa barely ever fought and what they did it was never just over nothing, so he must have done something bad to offend her without realising it.

"Oh. Well do you have anyone else to sit with at lunch?" He tilted his head.

"No." Oli sighed. His mind hasn't even had time to think about what he would do at lunch yet. He obviously didn't want to sit at his normal table with Elissa and it's not like he really had anyone else other than his group.

"Do you want to sit with me?" He asked with a smirk. Oli thought about it for a moment before nodding his yeah and shyly mumbling an "okay". He didn't really want to sit with Josh's group but what choice did he have? It was either that or he sat alone.

"Great." Josh smiled wickedly, turning back around in his seat and facing the front of the classroom again. He didn't turn around for the rest of the lesson, leaving Oli to stare at him back as he thought about what he had just agreed to.

Having lunch at Josh's table wouldn't be too bad right? Oli had never talked to any of Josh's friends before but Josh was nice to him, so they probably would be too. Anyway, it was just for one lunchtime, Elissa would probably be okay with him tomorrow and then he could go back to sitting with his normal group again.

Before he knew it, the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson and the start of lunch. He sighed and packed away his things into his backpack before leaving the classroom. Josh waited for him in the corridor, leaning on the wall casually.

"Are you ready to go?" Josh asked. Oli nodded, his nerves beginning to surface as they made their way through the maze of corridors and finally to the dining hall. They swerved their way around all the circular tables until they were stood in front of a large one full of boys in the very corner of the room.

"Hey guys." Josh greeted, grabbing Oli's hand and pulling him down with him onto the bench. Unlike most of the tables in the room, this one was square instead of round and had benches either side of it instead of chairs. Oli ended up sitting at the right end of the bench, with his body squished up against Josh's so that we wasn't falling off the edge.

"This is Oli." Josh introduced him, causing everyone on the tables eyes to snap to Oli, who blushed bright red. Despite how confident Oli presented himself to be, he wasn't sure he liked the amount of attention he was getting right now.

Josh's friends looked between Oli and him, smirking and making small comments that Oli couldn't quite hear. Oli looked down at the table bashfully, playing with the sleeves of Josh's jacket that he was still wearing.

For most of lunch Oli stayed silent, adding a few comments here and there to the tables conversation. Somewhere along the line Josh had wrapped his arm around Oli shoulders but he thought nothing of it, he was probably just trying to make Oli feel more included into the group.

From the corner of his eye he could see Elissa glaring at him but he restricted himself from looking back. It would only make him upset again.


"Elissa!" Oli shouted down the corridor, making the blue eyed girl stop in her tracks. She turned around and look at Oli with her eyebrows so high they were practically bouncing off of her forehead.

"What?" She asked sharply. He frowned at her snappy tone.

"What did I do to upset you?" He asked desperately. He just wanted his best friend back.

"It's not you Oli, it's me. You wouldn't understand." She sighed. He stared at her in confusion, what did that even mean?

"Can we be friends again, I miss you so so much." He pouted, putting on that sad puppy look that always made Elissa melt on the spot.

"Okay." She smiled. "Just don't sit with Josh instead of me ever again, alright?"

"Alright." He agreed happily. He was happy to have his best friend back again, even if he wasn't sure why they fell out in the first place.

"I've missed you." She said before hugging him. He wrapped his arms around her back, burying his face into her shoulder and smiling at how warm she felt against him. It was good to have his best friend back to normal. 

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