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3 years later...

"Ugh Josh stop moving for one second, you're messing up my work!" Oliver groaned, staring down at a fidgeting Josh.

"I-I can't Oli, the brush tickles too much." Josh giggled, wriggling around in his chair as Oli's soft makeup brush danced along his skin.

Oliver sighed, giving up with the blusher and moving onto the lips instead. He went over to his makeup draw and pulled out some slightly tinted strawberry lipgloss. He went back over to where Josh was sitting on the bed and slowly began to apply the gloss to his boyfriends lips.

Ever since they moved in together a couple of months ago, Oli had been using Josh regularly to practice his makeup skills. Josh didn't mind at all, in fact he loved the amount of attention he got from his boyfriend when he got his makeup done. He also loved how happy it made Oli.

"Oli I've got to go to work soon." Josh sighed, hating the look of sadness that appeared on Oli's face when he said that. He loved his job, he owned a clothing company that Oli designed the clothes for and he handled the business side of.

"Shush I'm almost done." His boyfriend whined, smearing the last section of Josh's lips with gloss before leaning down and kissing his now makeup covered boyfriend. Josh tasted like strawberries.

"All done, now you're pretty." Oli smiled, admiring his work.

"Wasn't I pretty already?" Josh smiled cheekily, winking one of his eyeshadow covered eyes at his boyfriend.

"Of course you were. Now stop trying to flirt with me and get ready for work." Oli smiled, pushing Josh's shoulders playfully before leaving his boyfriend to get ready.

As Josh wiped the makeup off his face, Oli went downstairs to go check on the cookies that he was baking. That was another thing that Oli loved to do now; bake.

He opened the oven door to see that his chocolate chip cookies were cooked. He pulled on his pink oven gloves before carefully removing the boiling hot tray of sweet treats and putting them onto the cooling rack.

"Hmm is that your famous chocolate chip cookies that I can smell?" Josh asked as he walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist from behind.

"Yeah, I've put a couple of them into your lunchbox so that you can take them to work." Oli smiled, gesturing to the plastic lunchbox that he had filled with a sandwich, the cookies and some other snacks for Josh to eat at work.

"Aww you made me lunch?" He cooed, kissing his boyfriends neck lovingly. "Someone's getting it tonight."

Oli rolled his eyes, turning around in Josh's arms so that he could adjust Josh's scruffily done tie. Josh didn't usually wear a uniform to work but he had a big meeting this afternoon so he had to look smart.

"You need to go otherwise you'll be late." Oli sighed, pecking Josh's lips between his words.

"I know baby but every time I look at your face it gets harder and harder to leave." Josh pouted. "I just want to stay here and cuddle with you all day."

"Well if you don't go to work then our business will fail and we will be cuddling together on the side of the street, so unless you want that then I suggest you get your arse to work Mr.Franceschi."

"Ooh getting sassy are we?" Josh smiled, kissing his boyfriend on the nose before picking up his lunch and going to the door to put his shoes on.

"See you later." Oli called as his boyfriend slipped out of the door, finally on his way to work. Oli sighed into the empty house, turning on the kettle and pulling out a mug and a teabag. Whilst he waited for the water to boil, he made his way to the living room and switched on the TV.

Just as he was about to go back into the kitchen, the door swung open and Josh ran back into the house. He charged through the hallway and into the living room, pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug.

"What the hell J-"

"I forgot to tell you I love you." Josh panted. "I love you, Oli."

"I love you too." Oli laughed."

Josh smiled, giving him a kiss on the lips and messing up his curly bed head before rushing out the door again and actually going to work.

Oli smiled and shook his head, wondering how the hell he got so lucky.

The End.

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