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Oli practically skipped all the way to Elissa's house, excited to finally go on a shopping trip with his best friend after so long. He knocked on the door and waited impatiently for Elissa to open the door for him. Except, when the door swung open it wasn't Elissa who opened the door, but rather her brother. Shirtless at that.

Oli looked up from his shoes when he heard the door open, having to suppress a gasp when his eyes trailed up Josh's bare chest. Hie cheeks instantly heated up but he couldn't seem to avert his gaze, as much as he tried.

"Oh Oli, you can come in." Josh said before moving up the side so that Oli could slide past him. Oliver awkwardly thanked him with an equally awkward smile before moving past Josh.

Once Josh closed the door, they both stood next to each other awkwardly in silence. Oli's eyes were directed to the ground, although he kept sneaking glances at Josh and Josh's eyes were glued to Oli's flushed face.

"Josh! What are you doing standing there like a tit- Oh! Hey Oli, I didn't see you there." Elissa called from the top of the stairs. "Eww Josh put a shirt on, I'm sure Oli doesn't want to see your nipples!"

"That's what you think." Josh said under his breath but loud enough for Oli to hear. Oli's eyes widened at the comment but before he could say anything back, Josh was already half way up the stairs and on his way to his room.

"Ugh, he's so annoying! Mum said that she will take us to the shopping centre but Josh has to come with us or she won't drive us, how unfair is that?" Elissa ranted with a huff.

"Yeah that's so....unfortunate." Oli shrugged. Elissa took no notice of her best friends tone as she slipped on her shoes, grabbed her bag and walked out the house, pulling Oli along with her.

They both got into Mrs Franceschi's car, where she was already waiting for them. Oli plopped down into his seat on the left hand side where as Elissa got into the front.

Elissa turned the radio onto a random pop station to fill the silence inside the car until Josh finally showed up. The blue eyed boy yanked open the car door before practically throwing himself down into the seat next to Oli.

With that, they set off to the shopping centre. It was mostly silent except for Mrs Franceschi asking us about their days and how school was going, and the odd small argument between Josh and Elissa.

Finally, they reached the shops and Mrs Franceschi drove off, leaving the two siblings and Oli alone together.

"Lets go to new look first." Elissa announced before grabbing Oliver's hand and pulling him towards the entrance to the shops. She never once looked back to see if Josh was following them, as she wove her way through other people and various other shops.

They walked into new look and immediately began to look for clothes to try on. Oli flicked through multiple racks of clothes before finding a light blue skirt along with a loose pastel pink sweater.

He went over to the changing rooms, ignoring the weird looks the staff gave him when they saw he was trying on girls clothes. He just rolled his eyes at them, he didn't really care about their opinions anyway.

He went into the furthest changing booth and slipped off his shirt before replacing it with the sweater he picked up. He took off the light blue jeans he was wearing, and was just about to put on the skirt when there was a knock on his changing room door.

"Oli? Are you in there?" The familiar voice of Josh rung through the otherwise silent room.

"Y-yeah." Oli replied timidly.

"Can I Come in a second?" Josh asked. Oli paused for a second before timidly unlocking the door just enough for Josh to come in. Oli hadn't realised how small the space was until there was two of them in it.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realise you were still getting changed." Josh blushed when he noticed Oli was still half naked.

"No it's fine." Oli shrugged. "You can tell me how my outfit looks.". He look the blue skirt off the coat hanger before slipping it on. He looked up from his skirt to find Josh staring back at him through the full length mirror.

"You look gorgeous Oli." Josh smirked slightly as he looked Oli up and down through the mirror. He carefully wrapped one of his arms around the shorter boys waist from behind.

"Do you think my skirts too short?" Oli asked bashfully.

"No it's fine. I like it short." Josh smirked flirtatiously. Oliver's face became the colour of a fire engine as Josh kissed his cheek quickly. Oli couldn't deny he had some kind of feelings towards Josh, but it made him feel guilty because he also had feelings for the anonymous person he had been getting to know over the last couple of months.

He shoed Josh out of the changing rooms shyly before getting changed back into his normal clothes. He went to pay at the tills, Josh in tow. They waited a couple of minutes in line and then the cashier motioned for them to come over. The cashier was probably in his 30s, with a badly done perm and fake tanned skin. He looked at the items in Oli's hand with disgust.

"Are these for you?" He asked with a frown.

"Yeah." Oli shrugged.

"You know these are girls clothes right? You can't wear theses." He stated cockily.

Oli bit his tongue as he stared at the employee. He was embarrassed but also shocked that the cashier would say something like that right to his face.

"Hey, don't speak to him like that." Josh said angrily from behind him as he wrapped his arm around Oli protectively. "He doesn't need you to tell him what he can and can't wear."

Josh and the cashier had a long, hard stare off before finally the employee caved in and reluctantly started scanning the items. Oli went to pull his wallet out of his backpack, but Josh stopped him before he could.

"I'll pay for it." He shrugged.

"No Josh, I can't let you do that." Oli argued.

"I insist, really." Josh smiled as he pulled out his own money and payed for the clothes himself. Oli felt kind of bad about it, but he did try and protest. They cashier silently put the clothes into a bag along with the receipt. Oli grabbed the bag and pulled Josh away, out of the corner of his eye he saw Josh put up his middle finger to the cashier making him laugh.

"Where the hell have you two been!" Elissa shrieked in a voice that made Josh cringe. She was stood by the door with her arms crossed like a moody toddler.

"Just trying on some stuff." Oli shrugged.

"Together?" She asked in disbelief.

"Not like that Elissa, keep your wig on." Josh laughed as they began to leave the store.

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