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Oli walked into school unusually happy to say that it was a Monday. He'd had spent basically the whole weekend with Josh watching movies, doing homework together and of course making out. Oliver's heart pounded at the thought of seeing his boyfriend again.

They had been texting and FaceTiming all night, talking with each other until Oli literally passed out from exhaustion.

Oli walked up to his locker groggily, still pretty tired from staying up so late to talk to Josh (not that he regretted any of it). He pulled it open with a sigh, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw a pink envelope inside of it. He smiled at the nostalgia of receiving a letter of that familiar pink colour with flowers taped onto it, just like they use to.

He carefully ripped open the pink paper and peeked inside. There was a price of lined paper and nothing else. He took the paper between his fingers, pulling it out to read what was written there.

Meet me in the second floor art classroom, 1st period.  

Oli smiled at the words before slipping the note into his blazer pocket. He went into the toilets, deciding to wait there until 1st period. He looked in the mirror, making sure his hair was perfect and his tie was just the right thickness. One of his cheeks was still pretty badly bruised, but it was more of a blue colour rather than red and purple like it was over the weekend.

When the bell rang, Oli began to get excited. He waited until the hallways were clear before slipping out of the toilets and making his way through the labyrinth of corridors.

He quickly went up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time so that he could get there quicker. Luckily for him, no one had classes down this part of the school in the mornings, so no teachers were around to tell him off for now being in lessons.

He went into the dark art classroom, inhaling the scent of fresh paint and faint candles as he did. The room was pretty cluttered, with paints and canvases and brushes everywhere.

"What are you looking at, babe?" A voice whispered in his ear, making Oli jump with fright. He span around to look at his boyfriend who was laughing at how scared he was.

"Jesus Josh! You scared the living daylights out of me." Oli whined. Josh cooed at his boyfriend before kissing him. Oli tried to act mad but couldn't keep it up for long when Josh began to kiss up and down his neck.

"How are your bruises doing?" Josh asked as he pulled away from Oli's neck, instead standing in front of him.

"Alright." Oli shrugged. He didn't really want to think about what had happened on Friday night, the whole thing was just so scary to think about. If Josh hadn't have come along when he did, Oli couldn't even imagine what those men would have done to him. He shivered at the thought.

"And how are you doing?" Josh asked in concern. Oli found it cute how much his boyfriend cared about him.

"Much better now my hot boyfriend is here." Oli smirked.

"Really, where is he?" Josh asked sarcastically, looking around the empty classroom in a dramatic manner. Oli laughed at the cuteness and leant onto kiss Josh again.

Josh wrapped his arms around Oli's waist, making him back up until he was against one of the desks with Josh in between his legs. They continued to make out, so caught up in each other that they didn't even notice footsteps approaching the classroom or the door swinging open.

"Hey! Get out of her and get to class!" The red faced head teacher yelled loudly. Josh smirked, grabbing Oli's hand before breaking out into a run. They ran straight past the headteacher, not looking back once even when he demanded they stopped.

They ran down to the ground floor and out into the courtyard, not slowing down until they were around the corner and out of sight. Josh smiled widely, hardly even out of breath from running whereas Oli was leant over, sweaty faced and struggling to breath from all the physical activity.

"That was so close!" Josh cheered. "I can't believe we almost got caught by the head teacher."

"I think you've already become a bad influence on me, Josh." Oli wheezed, still painfully out of breath.

"Oh honey, you ain't seen nothing yet." He smirked cheekily making Oli laugh. He really was falling for this guy.


Any suggestions for things you want in this book? Not sure what direction to go in after this.

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