Dead end

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At the End of the tunnel there is a light 

Much like one you see when you die 

Though nothing hurts more than dying inside 

Foot after foot 

Leg after leg 

my body aching 

along with my head

I eat and I eat to get rid of this thing 

but it doesn't do anything to the grief and the pain 

I have always tried to wish it away but nothing changes it stays the same

 you say I am a nuisance earth a waste of air 

so why don't you tell me or help me change 

you say my pills can't help me that nobody can 

then what am I a useless ant

No ants are more useful than me 

I am but a horrid flea 

foot after foot 

leg after leg 

my body is aching 

Along with my head 

but there's no light at the end of my tunnel just a dead end

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