chapter six

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Jonathan leads me to his house and then to his 4 car garage.

I don't even have a garage.

His house is huge.

Just like all the other houses in Weathershead.

"Here." He opens the passenger side to one of the cars.

It is a big car.

I have no idea what kind, though.

I carefully get in, not wanting to mess up anything in his expensive car.

He quickly walks over to be drivers side and gets in.

"Do-do you have your license?"

He looks over to me. "Sure I do."

"Uh huh." I cross my arms.

He pulls out of the drive way.

"So, where do you live?"

"Um... you can just drop me off at the park near Glenwood."

He laughs. "No, actually, where do you live?"


"Seriously. Drop me off there."

"Why can't I drop you off at your house?"


"Because why?"

"Because I said so."

He smiles looking at the road. "That isn't a solid answer."

His teeth are so white.

It's almost mesmerizing.

He looks over to me looking straight into my eyes.

I sigh looking at the road. "I don't... I don't want you to see my house. It's nothing like yours or any of your friends."

"Do you think I care about what your house looks like?" He turns to the park.

I don't answer him.

He stops on the side of the road.

"Please tell me." He turns to me.



I huff out frustratingly. "617 Bronklyn Road."

"Thank you." And he speeds off down the street.

God, give me strength.

We pull up to a very small house that's siding is falling off.

It has a little lawn with very overgrown grass and beer bottles cover the tiny front porch.

This is her house?

The big brown truck that she gets dropped off in every morning is on in front of it.

It almost covers the whole entire house-

"Thank you." Alice says looking at her hands.

No, thank you.

I think you're my new favorite person.

"No problem."

She looks at me. "Will you be on the bus tomorrow?"

I only ride the bus because of you.

"Of course."

"And at the bus stop early?"

I'm only early because of you. "Yup."

She smiles just a little. "Okay."

She gets out of my car gracefully as if she were to break it with one touch.

"Alice!" I call once she's almost to her house.


"Good-good bye!"

She gives me a friendly little wave before rushing into the house.

I run straight to my room past Aunt Linda and the man in my living room.

"Who was that?" I hear the random stranger ask.

"Oh, just my little sister. Her parents are on vacation and I volunteered to take care of her because I just love her so much!"

"That's so sexy."


I close the curtain and flop onto my bed.

I just spent two hours talking to Jonathan and it still wasn't enough.

He's just so easy to talk to.

We agree on lots of stuff, and he's super smart.

God, Alice. You sound like a maniac.

"Ugh! Steeeeeeeeeeve!" Aunt Linda moans from the other room.

I cover my ears with my pillow and try to drown out the noise.

Does she not know that I'm in the next room?

I really need to get out of here.


End of chapter six.

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