chapter seven

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I walk into my house and my father is already in the entryway.

"And where have you been?" He crosses his arms.

"With... Gary?"

He gives me a look that says seriously?

"Tell me the truth, Jonny. Where have you been?"

I sigh, not wanting to get on his bad side.

"Working on a school project."

His eyebrows go up. "Really?"

I nod.

"And who are you working with?"

"Alice Fink. I mumble.


"Alice... Fink." His eyes go wide.

"Stephanie Finks daughter?"

"What? How do you know her-"

"I don't want you going near her, son. She is trouble." He cuts me off.

"You don't know her."

"I know her family."

"But not her."

He holds his head in hand. "Just go to your room please."

I roll my eyes and walk up the stair case.

How does he know her mother?

Jesus, I need a nap.
The next morning a purposely walk to the bus stop 20 minutes early.

Alice doesn't get there until 10 minutes later.

She gets out of that huge truck and run/fast walks to me. (which was adorable)

"Hey." She says as she finally gets to me.

"Hi." She looks at my cheeks.

"How long were you out here for?"

"Only 10 minutes. Why?"

"You look like you're freezing!"

I laugh it off. "I'm fine."

Today she's wearing a white nit sweater with a regular pair of blue jeans with her hair tied up.

"So... do you wanna... work on the project again after school?"

Yes yes yes yes yes yes.


"Okay, good, because I've found out a few more different things about.."

She opens up her binder and starts talking about stuff that I really could care less about.

I zone out and just look at her.

She's... gorgeous.

It's like no one sees how gorgeous she is because she hides from everyone.

I watch as her lips curve perfectly when she talks.

I watch as her eyes move when she's reading me something she researched about.

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