Help Me Please

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❌Smut warning❌, if you don't like, don't read. Simple. Thank you.

“I'm really hot and really uncomfortable, but ill live.” Lance says leaning into Keith's hand. 

“Well in you take off my jacket you won't be as hot.” Keith says starting to take the jacket off of Lance. 

“No, I want to wear it just maybe...not much else.” Lance says looking down at his lap. His cheeks turning a light shade of red.

“Go ahead. I'll go wait in the bathroom till you want me to come back in, ok?” Keith says standing up slowly, trying not to disturb Lance’s nest.

“Mhm.” Lance says nodding his head.

Keith walks over to the bathroom, and closes the door. Lance meanwhile, takes off the jacket and lays it next to him. He takes off his shirt and jeans, before putting the jacket back of. Lance pulled the collar of it up to his face a sighed. “What am I doing.” Lance thinks to himself. “Keith, you can come out.” Lance says, leaning his head towards the bathroom. Keith walks out and a slight blush appears on his pale skin. 

“So, um...are you more comfortable now?” Keith asks rubbing the back of his neck.

“Ya, you should get ready for bed to.” Lance says grabbing a sheet, and pulling it over himself.

Keith smirks. “What, do you just want to see me naked?” Keith asks grabbing a pair of black and red shorts out of his pile of cloth. 

“What?” Lance says in shock. “N-No, I just meant that you should get ready for bed, since I was planning on going to bed soon, so I just didn't want you to be watching me while I sleep.” Lance says pulling more of the sheet to cover his body. 

Keith laughs at Lance and then turns to face away from him. Keith then started to take off his shirt and shorts, while Lance just watched him. Keith leaned his head over his shoulder, and looked at Lance. Lance had let the sheet fall, so it was only covering his crotch. He was just completely zoned out, watching Keith. Keith smirked malevolent, and threw all of his clothes into the same pile.

“Do you like what you see?” Keith asks  walking towards Lance slowly. 

Lance watched with as he walked towards him, nodding yes. Keith didn't notice it before, but Lance was sweating profusely, he looked pained, and Keith felt kinda bad teasing him. “Lance, you know you can tell me to leave if you want to take care of that.” Keith says gesturing towards Lances, little friend.

Lance puts and hand over the sheets and shakes his head no. “I don't want you to go anywhere.”

“I could go sit in the bathroom…” Keith says before Lance cuts him off.

“No, you aren't going anywhere. I like having you around. Anyways I want to see all your scars.” Lance says, sounding out of it. 

Keith smiled and walked over to Lance’s nest. Keith sat down across from Lance, and looked at all the small scares covering his delicate tan skin. “Keith?” Lance asks weakly.

“What is it?” Keith asks concerned.

“Why...Why are you putting up with me. I mean you could have just left if you wanted to. You could have just made me go to sleep, and leave me here.” Lance says weakly.

“Lance.” Keith says lifting Lance’s head so he could look him in the eyes. “You always said that we were rivals, but I have never thought of you that way. I like you, and I would never leave you. That why I will do almost anything to help you.” Keith says smiling warmly.

Lance just looks at Keith in shock, before he put his hand over Keiths. “I only said that we were rivals, because I was too ashamed to admit I liked you.” Lance says sounding ashamed.

Keith pulled Lance into a tight hug and just shushed him. “Don't feel ashamed, please, I just want you to be happy.” Keith whispers softly to Lance.

“Keith, i-it hurts, so much~” Lance moans out.

“You should take care of it. I will turn around or go to the bathroom, but you need to take care of it.” Keith says pushing away from Lance slowly.

“I want to take care of it, but I also don't want you to go anywhere, I just want you to um… Never mind.” Lance says sounding embarrassed and shy.

Keith smiles, and snakes his hand under the sheet. “I could help you if you want?” Keith asks grabbing at the budge in Lances underwear.

“Ah...p-please.” Lance moans out, leaning his head back.

Word count-774

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