Finally out of Heat

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Once they got there Keith rushed in with Lance, and  locked the doors behind them. 

Lance jumped out of Keith's arms and walk around, his legs shaking. "I hate having to stay in my room, and if my heats almost over then why can't I walk around!" Lance yells in the large hall.

"We can go out once your heat is over, but I want you to be safe, ok?" Keith asks walking over and hugging Lance. 

"I know~" Lance says annoyed. 

Keith laughs and starts to stretch and walk around the training arena. "Lance do you mind hanging out on the benches while I train a little?" Keith asks. 

"That's ok, as long as I don't have to sit the whole time." Lance says, complaining and walking over to the bench. 

Keith smiled before he yells for the training sequence to start at 10. Quickly the bot dropped down and Keith pulled out his bayard. Lance sat with his legs crossed on the bench watching Keith move to beat the bot. Keith made it look easy as he landed the finishing blow to the bots head. 

Lance clapped and got up. "Good job." Lance says hugging Keith. The small amount of sweat coming from Keith caused Lance to be engulfed by the ravenette's sent. "And you smell good too."

"I will still need to shower." Keith says, messing with Lance's hair. 

"Maybe." Lance says letting go of Keith and sitting on the bench. "Set it to be more difficult this time." 

Keith smiled and looked up. "TRAINING SEQUENCE 16!" Keith yells. He normally didn't go above 15 unless there was someone to help him, but he trusted that Lance wouldn't be in too much pain. 

Two boys dropped one on each side of him. They came at him at the same time, and Keith only had a split second to react. Keith dodged the one on the right, and landed a blow on the one to the left. The blow didn’t do to much damage, it just barely demobilized it for just a second. Lance was sitting on the edge of the bench as Keith hit the legs on the bot on his right, and started to take both of them on at once. One of the bots grabbed Keith, and threw him to the wall, but Keith took the bots arm with him. After a moment Keith took the that bot down, only dodging the other bots attacks. Keith then turned his attention to the still mobile bot, and took him down after a few minutes. Lance then shot up, once both boys were down, and ran to check on Keith. 

“You sit down and let me see your back.” Lance demands, sternly. Keeith laughs and sits on the floor, and Lance moves behind him.  Lance pulls off Keith’s shirt and sinks into Keith’s sweet smell, forgetting what he was doing for a minute. 

“Lance, I’m ok. It didn’t even hurt that much. I also got a good blow on him too.” Keith says, joking around. 

“You were thrown, back against the wall. And then you landed on your head. Oh, my, god, is your head ok?” Lance asks, panicking. Lance ran his hands threw Keith’s hair and tried to feel for any injuries. 

“I’m fine, I stopped most of the blow to my head, it was more like a tap.” Keith says grabbing Lance’s hand. 

“Well, your back is bright red…” Lance says, slowly trailing his hands over Keith’s back. Lance leaned down and started to kiss up Keith’s spine. 

Keith arched his back slightly, shocked by the sudden touch. “L-Lance-” Keith says, shocked. “I’m fine Lance~You don’t have to do that.” Keith says. 

Lance kissed the base of Keith’s neck, and then moved away, and crawled to be sitting in front of Keith. “I love you.” Lance says, hugging Keith. 

“I love you too Lance. Are you feeling ok now, are you in to much pain?” Keith asks, picking up Lance so the brunette was sitting on his lap. Lance laid his head on Keith’s shoulder, and shook his head no. “I am fine, I feel great that I am out of my room.” Lance says, nuzzling to Keith’s scent gland. Keith has to hold back from biting Lance, or taking him right there from the sensitive contact. 

Lance pulled away slowly and looked at Keith. "Are you sensitive there? You tighten your grip on me when I did that." Lance says, eyeing Keith's scent glands with a devilish look. 

"No, I was just the feeling of your breath." Keith says, clearly nervous. 

"So I can kiss your neck all I want?" Lance asks leaning down slightly. 

"Don't do it baby." Keith says, placing a hand on Lance's chest. 

Lance ignored Keith and leaned down kissing Keith's scent glands. Keith clenched his hands on Lance and tries his best to stay calm. "L-Lance st-stop we're in th-the training room-." Keith says through clenched teeth. 

Lance stops and looks up at Keith, smirking. "I thought you weren't sensitive. 

"I-I wasn't, until this whole second gener thing started." Keith says, standing up, and holding Lance koala style. Lance just sat hanging off of Keith, while Keith held him with one hand.

"I wonder where else your sensitive." Lance says, just laying on Keith. 

"After your heat, I promise you can find out." Keith says holding Lance closer. "Are you in pain at all, or still really hot?" Keith asks. 

"Not really. Just normal. I feel normal." Lance says, perking his head up, realizing what he just said.  

Keith tilted his head away from Lance and realized that the training room wasn't filled with his sent. "Lance, I think your heat might be over." Keith says, smiling and messing with Lance's hair. 

"Omg." Lance says jumping out if Keith's grip. Lance ran down to the kitchen, with Keith behind him. "Pidge, Hunk!" Lance screams, hugging them. 

"Waoh, you feeling better?" Hunk says, giving Lance a bear hug and laughing. 

"So much, omg, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Lance says pushing away. 

Keith runs in a few seconds later, slightly out of breath from training and chasing Lance. "Lance, warn me before you run off." Keith says walking into the kitchen and grabbing something to eat. 

"So I guess it was safe for him to go training with you." Pidge says, adjusting their glasses. 

"Ya." Keith says grabbing a weird space food from the fridge. 

Lance sits their, joking around with everyone before Shiro, Allura, and Coran walk in. "L-Lance are you out of heat?" Coran asks. 

"Ya." Lance says smiling. "The blue paladin is back."

"Well, I would enjoy a little catch up time, but we don't get to take a break. We just received a distress signal from a nearby planet." Allura says, solemnly. "We will take care of them, and then our selves." 

Everyone knows and throw of their armor and Allura pilots the castle. Each paladin quickly rushes towards their lions and gets ready for a fight.

Word count- 1,187

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