Story Preveiw

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Hey, I have a question for everyone that reads my stories. I am sorry this isn't a chapter, trust me I am working on it. 

Speak of chapters I started a completely original story set in a post apocalyptic society. I use some names from Voltron, but it isn't a fanfic. I've been working on it and just realized I could post it here, if you guys wanted to read it. 

If you would rather I focus on my FanFic story let me know, or if you want to read this instead, please let me know. It is up to you guys. 

I would also like to thank all of you for reading my stories, and for liking them, that means a lot. 

If you aren't sure about the story here's the beginning:

The normal grey sky showed a glymse of blue. Weather that was a memory of the pryer world, or and omen of a good day was anyone's guess. The new world was divided into ten areas. Since North America was the only content that was still "habitable", if you could call it that.  The air was thinking, but not toxic to anyone who survived the outbreak. The original number of toxins in the air increased, and when it then hit the point where it started to kill. 

The government tried a process of releasing a water based chemical to eat at the bacteria in the air. Unfortunately they messed up everything, and the chemical reacted with the air making it worse, and making it more deadly. Only a small handful of the world survived, and those who did were in hidden areas. 

Everyone who survived went all over content, and the ten sections had their own survival rate, 1-4 are horrible to live in, 3 and 4 are the best ones to live in. They are gated off and don't have any mutants. 5-9 are in the middle, and 10 is the mutant's section. 

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