Chapter 9: Initiation Part 2

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A/N: Hey people's! Sorry this took so long to upload. I've been ultra busy the past week. It's been crazy and everytime I wanted to get it done and publish it I was already super tired so always ended up having to leave it for the next day to continue but it happened again. Until today. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It took me way too long to do it. So read and enjoy. If you want to, give me your opinion in the comments and maybe leave a vote. Thanks guys!

Weiss’ POV

Weiss just stood there, shocked and confused and wondering what the younger girl was up to. She didn’t know what Ruby would do next to threaten her life. She was seriously shitting herself but was able to compose herself.

Weiss hesitated to follow Ruby as the younger girl strolled towards the giant Nevermore. A bird like Grimm with a large, sharpened beak and razor talons. Its eyes glowing a blood red and its mask-like face white with glowing strips of red. It screeched loudly as Ruby stepped in front of it. It quietened down when Ruby reached her arm out.

‘How is she doing that?’ Weiss thought as the young Reaper began to stroke the side of its head with the back of her hand. It puzzled Weiss but also scared her as she had never come across something like it. She had heard of Reapers from her father and how her family had hunted them down. How her family caught them and tortured them for information. They either turned rabid from not expelling the Grimm’s destructive energy soon enough or they self destructed by making the Grimm’s energy fizzle their brain and other organs.

Weiss had heard so much about them but never heard of their abilities and often wondered why their weren’t any around. The Great War and the hunting couldn’t have caused them to become almost extinct.

Ruby turned her head and looked at Weiss, “Are you coming over or what?” she asked staring at the Heiress. Weiss stared back, dumbfounded.

‘Is she crazy? I am not going anywhere near that. It could attack at any time. Hell no!’ Weiss thought, really not wanting to go anywhere near the Nevermore.

The giant Nevermore stared Weiss down, almost looking as if it were daring her to take a step forwards. She couldn’t help but stare back into its deadly red eyes. It lowered its head in submission. Weiss thought, ‘What in all of Remnant? It just submitted to me. Maybe it won’t hurt me.’

The Heiress walked forward slowly, stepping carefully and trying not to stand on anything that could startle the Nevermore into attacking her. She kept her eye on it the whole time as she moved to stand next to Ruby who followed her with her silver eyes.

"Get on it like this," the young faunus said, climbing on the Nevermore. Weiss was hesitant at first until she looked into the Nevermore's eyes.

The Heiress saw something that explained herself to the tee. Loneliness, misunderstanding and torment. She couldn't explain how but she knew that this Nevermore and maybe all Grimm were just misunderstood creatures. Maybe the creatures of Grimm didn't want to fight anymore and just live peacefully. Maybe the creatures of Grimm didn't want to die for nothing.

Weiss knocked those thoughts out of her mind and then thought, 'that's ridiculous, all Grimm want to do is kill every last man, woman and child in Remnant. They would never want peace and to live with us.'

Weiss was pulled out of her thoughts at the clearing of a throat. She looked up and saw Ruby looking down at her, waiting for her to climb onto the submissive Nevermore.

The Heiress started to climb up the Nevermore and almost fell backwards. Thankfully, Ruby caught her arm before she could fall.

She climbed the rest of the way with Ruby's help, pulling her up and making sure she was steady on the oversized bird.

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