Grand Entrance

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Just as Andrew truly knew, everything would be fine. He avoided any feelings that would imply otherwise. With Garrett there, it was rather easy, too. Shane rounded them all up into another Uber to get to the resort they were staying at. It was massive to say the least. Andrew was blown away.

All this for us? How did I get here?

He thought to himself. It was crazy, life was crazy. All the opportunities that flung themselves at Andrew since he started working with Shane, it was wild. He couldn't have asked for a better boss, or coworker per-say. Not to mention that he was practically working with and for his friends. It all seemed so surreal where his friends could take him. This, being a huge example of it. A 5 star resort on the shores of Cancun. Unbelievable. He looked around everyone was speechless, even Shane who knew about every aspect of this trip. Andrew thought it would be an appropriate time to pull out the camera.

Jeffree and Nate ripped them out of being awestruck by opening the huge front doors of the place.

"Hiiiiiiiii" Jeffree said seeing everyone's reactions, then laughing immediately afterwards.

"Jeffree this is crazy." Shane said.

"Mmhmmm. Tell me more." Jeffree laughed.

"If I fall and break anything it's gonna cost more than my college tuition." Morgan said entering through the doors. Garrett chuckled.

"God me." Was all he giggled in response. His laugh made Andrew smile behind the camera, thankfully no one could see, except for Shane of course.

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