Chapter three

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I turn myself, making a complete 180. I didn't want to seem like a weirdo just staring in the mirror if someone were to walk in, so I acted as if nothing happened. But when I turn, there wasn't anyone in sight.

The humming continued, not fading nor stopping. It sounded faint and almost...wispy. Like I was imagining it. Rubbing my face once more, I step outside of the bathroom. Looking left then right, I attempt to find a source to the mysterious sound. I felt almost compelled to search, not really thinking about whether or not I should check it out. My feet guiding me in the seemingly correct direction, I eye all around my surroundings. All of the classrooms nearby were dark and empty because of lunch, so I knew I was alone other than a few wanderers.

My feet lead me to a door. It was shut and metal— most likely a janitor's closet or stairs to the schools attic. Either or, I wasn't allowed in. It was my first day any how, and I didn't feel like getting in trouble.

But the door and the whispers did make me pretty curious; and knowing myself, I'd take a peak anyway. Worst case scenario, I find a secret cult and i'm killed. That's not too bad, right?

Moving my hand to the doors handle, I twist it and let go. It opened.

Huh. That was easy. Maybe the custodian had forgotten to lock it. The thick door opened at my slight push, opening to a large walk-in closet. I was right, it was a supply closet of some sort. But not the kind I suspected.
It was large and held old student desks, chalkboards, computers from the early 90's, and box televisions. Everything in this room must have been leftovers from when the school needed an upgrade.

Looking behind myself to make sure I'm not being watched, I step inside and slowly shut the door behind me. Surprisingly, my anxiety wasn't going apeshit. Which was good. But even though I wasn't having a panic attack, I still felt extremely nervous being in this room. Not only because of fear of the unknown, but also because I didn't want to get caught.

I move my fingers to a lightswitch nearby, flipping it. The lights above me flicker on, making the room a little less intimidating. The hum was louder here, which lead me to believe that someone must've snuck in like me and was eating lunch. But as I look further around the area, I don't see anyone. Just myself in some old mirror reflections.

"Hello?" I call out, scratching at my thigh. "Is anyone in here?"

No response. None at all. I sigh a little and back up a bit against a desk, sitting on its edge. "So I was imagining things." I think, laughing a little at myself for being so paranoid. "I should probably get back to Esther now. She must be wondering where I—"


My eyes go wide and I shoot up, turning around. Now I felt like having a panic attack. My heart began to beat like crazy. I gulp heavy.

"Um...where are you?" I ask the voice, beginning to walk again around the room, not seeing the sounds source. "Uh...Um...are you dead?" I continue, then think on what I just said, "Stupid fucking question, Dulce. If it is a ghost, they're laughing at you."

"Who" The voice asked. "Did I get the...number? Your cho...ppy." So was theirs. It was very faint and faded in and out, like something straight out of Ghost Adventures.

What was this thing talking about? My voice was choppy? Number? What did all of this mean? I decided to follow the voice again. To see where it was loudest and where it was the quietest. I hoped it would speak to me again. Luckily, it did.

"Hello? Hellllooooo?"

I shoot my pupils in the direction it spoke. To the left. I hurry to the left, maneuvering passed desks and such, until I stopped to speak to it again.

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